And so it was, that Joseph and PrAzaras were put to flight, and pursued unto the borders of
Judea: and there were slain that day of the people of Israel about two thousand men.
Thus was there a great overthrow among the children of Israel, because they were not obedient
unto Judas and his brethren, but thought to do some valiant act.
Moreover these men came not of the seed of those, by whose hand deliverance was given
unto Israel.
Howbeit the man Judas and his brethren were greatly renowned in the sight of all Israel, and
of all the heathen, wheresoever their name was heard of;
Insomuch as the the people assembled unto them with joyful acclamations.
Afterward went Judas forth with his brethren, and fought against the children of Esau in the
land toward the south, where he smote Hebron, and the towns thereof, and pulled down the fortress
of it, and burned the towers thereof round about.
From thence he removed to go into the land of the Philistines, and passed through Samaria.
At that time certain priests, desirous to shew their valour, were slain in battle, for that they
went out to fight unadvisedly.
So Judas turned to Azotus in the land of the Philistines, and when he had pulled down their
altars, and burned their carved images with fire, and spoiled their cities, he returned into the land
of Judea.
About that time king Antiochus travelling through the high countries heard say, that Elymais in the
country of Persia was a city greatly renowned for riches, silver, and gold;
And that there was in it a very rich temple, wherein were coverings of gold, and breastplates,
and shields, which Alexander, son of Philip, the Macedonian king, who reigned first among the
Grecians, had left there.
Wherefore he came and sought to take the city, and to spoil it; but he was not able, because
they of the city, having had warning thereof,
Rose up against him in battle: so he fled, and departed thence with great heaviness, and returned
to Babylon.
Moreover there came one who brought him tidings into Persia, that the armies, which went
against the land of Judea, were put to flight:
And that Lysias, who went forth first with a great power was driven away of the Jews; and
that they were made strong by the armour, and power, and store of spoils, which they had gotten
of the armies, whom they had destroyed:
Also that they had pulled down the abomination, which he had set up upon the altar in Jerusalem,
and that they had compassed about the sanctuary with high walls, as before, and his city Bethsura.
KJV Bible