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Yet they cannot understand this themselves, and leave them: for they have no knowledge.
The women also with cords about them, sitting in the ways, burn bran for perfume: but if any
of them, drawn by some that passeth by, lie with him, she reproacheth her fellow, that she was not
thought as worthy as herself, nor her cord broken.
Whatsoever is done among them is false: how may it then be thought or said that they are
They are made of carpenters and goldsmiths: they can be nothing else than the workmen will
have them to be.
And they themselves that made them can never continue long; how should then the things
that are made of them be gods?
For they left lies and reproaches to them that come after.
For when there cometh any war or plague upon them, the priests consult with themselves,
where they may be hidden with them.
How then cannot men perceive that they be no gods, which can neither save themselves from
war, nor from plague?
For seeing they be but of wood, and overlaid with silver and gold, it shall be known hereafter
that they are false:
And it shall manifestly appear to all nations and kings that they are no gods, but the works of
men's hands, and that there is no work of God in them.
Who then may not know that they are no gods?
For neither can they set up a king in the land, nor give rain unto men.
Neither can they judge their own cause, nor redress a wrong, being unable: for they are as
crows between heaven and earth.
Whereupon when fire falleth upon the house of gods of wood, or laid over with gold or silver,
their priests will flee away, and escape; but they themselves shall be burned asunder like beams.
Moreover they cannot withstand any king or enemies: how can it then be thought or said that
they be gods?
Neither are those gods of wood, and laid over with silver or gold, able to escape either from
thieves or robbers.
Whose gold, and silver, and garments wherewith they are clothed, they that are strong take,
and go away withal: neither are they able to help themselves.
Therefore it is better to be a king that sheweth his power, or else a profitable vessel in an
house, which the owner shall have use of, than such false gods; or to be a door in an house, to keep
such things therein, than such false gods. or a pillar of wood in a a palace, than such false gods.
For sun, moon, and stars, being bright and sent to do their offices, are obedient.
In like manner the lightning when it breaketh forth is easy to be seen; and after the same
manner the wind bloweth in every country.
And when God commandeth the clouds to go over the whole world, they do as they are bidden.
KJV Bible