take along a gift when visiting a king or royal personage. Their
gifts were not birthday presents, but gifts to Him they knew was
born to be KING of the world!
But even if one believes December 25 to be Christ's birthday
--even if one did not realize that celebrating birthdays is a
HEATHEN custom, and not Christian--even if one still wanted to
give GIFTS, you would honestly think the gifts ought to be given to
CHRIST, as a contribution to be used in His work, wouldn't you?
I have to tell you that the NEED of funds for the work which
the living Christ is doing through you and me is desperate and
URGENT! God's work is progressing as never before! It has to, in
order to keep pace with the rapidly increasing acceleration of
world events plunging this world to a self-imposed DOOM unless God
supernaturally intervenes--as He soon will--to save the world from
destroying itself, and to send Jesus Christ as KING of kings and
LORD of lords to rule, and to bring this world peace and salvation!
Jesus Christ heads this work! Constantly He is opening new
doors for the mass-proclamation of His Gospel, preparing the way
for HIS COMING, on a world-wide basis into all continents!
Ambassador College in England is now firmly established, and with
38 students in this pioneer year. One new Greek student, just
released from military service, was accepted last Monday. Thus we
have a Greek speaking student (educated in both modern and New
Testament Greek Languages) from Greece; a Spanish student, from
Spain, who speaks five or six languages, and came here from Geneva,
where he was an interpreter for the United Nations; a German
student from Germany, who, besides studying in college handles all
the heavy correspondence coming in to our office here from Germany,
as the result of our two broadcasts weekly in the German Language
on Radio Luxembourg beamed on Germany; a Swedish speaking student
from Sweden, besides students from Australia, South Africa, North
and South Ireland, Wales, Scotland--and, of course, most of the
students here being British students from England. God has sent us
a splendid group of able young people. In a very few years they
will be out full time in this great work, around the world.
Of course the original Ambassador College in Pasadena now has
its largest enrollment, and is now supplying capable and called and
consecrated men and women trained for positions in God's work every
year. New radio stations are being added. Hundreds and thousands
are being converted and baptized. Christ is blessing His work in
every way!
But the NEED is great! WHAT A PRIVILEGE God has bestowed upon
YOU and me, that He has called us to be Co-Workers with Christ in
preparing the way for His soon-coming! The world is hearing His
Gospel! Your part in praying for this work--on paying tithes--in
making financial sacrifice to send in generous offerings, according
as God has prospered you, is a glorious privilege. Do you thank
God for it?
I need your earnest, believing, and prevailing PRAYERS! This
entire work needs them. Pray about how much you should send in for
God's work. I know that you will be generous according to what you