WHAT that secret weapon is, and how it is used will be
revealed in this striking NEW booklet, "WHO will rule space?" This
booklet has never been offered before, nor announced over the radio
--BE SURE you don't miss it!
Also, a new booklet now going to press: "The SEVEN LAWS OF
SUCCESS." I have spoken somewhat about these seven rules of
success on the air--but never very much about any except the first
two, and it has never before been published. WHY are so many
people NOT successful in life? I have known scores of successful
business men--millionaires--and also scores of others who were not
wealthy but still had made a success. THEY HAVE ALL FOLLOWED
DEFINITE LAWS. Yet most people do not know about them. Most
people do not apply a single one of them. What a shame! God
intended everyone to be successful. Everyone CAN be--but ONLY if
these laws are known, and applied! THIS IS THE VERY FIRST
ANNOUNCEMENT of these booklets. They have never yet even been
announced over the air. I just wanted you to know about these
booklets FIRST!
Of course there is NO PRICE. We do not sell the precious
TRUTH. It has been paid for and is FREE to YOU. A number have
become co-workers with me, who gladly GIVE, so we never have to beg
for money over the air--never sell anything--we just GIVE the
Gospel and the TRUTH.
Now I must hasten back out to the International Airport,
and board one more big 707 jet, on the last leg of this 'round the
world journey, to be with my wife and continue supervision, for a
while, of the new Ambassador College in England. We had planned to
accept only 21 students this first year, but we finally accepted 33
very fine students. On our campus in Pasadena everyone says it is
the happiest spot on earth. But at our new college in Britain
everyone says it is ALSO the happiest spot on earth. There is a
WAY to be happy. God has shown us that way. Our students live
that way. They are supremely happy--filled with the JOY of
interesting, abundant living. You'll learn a lot about those very
principles and rules in this new booklet. I especially want you to
have it. I am having our office enclose a self-addressed return
envelope for your request.
I do appreciate, from the heart down deep, your interest,
and the privilege of serving and helping you in any way I can.
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong