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4) Just one month after Khrushchev slapped American
prestige by exposing the U-2 debacle, wrecked the Summit
Conference, insulted President Eisenhower in Paris, and then
slapped Mr. Eisenhower again, cancelling his visit to Russia,
Khrushchev ordered the Reds to slap the crowning insult of
humiliation on the U.S. President, in the Far East.
The Reds launched "Hate America Week." The Japanese
government was forced by Red mob violence to ask Mr. Eisenhower to
stay out of Japan. This was, in Oriental eyes, the supreme LOSS OF
FACE for President Eisenhower and the U.S. Loss of face has far
greater meaning to the Oriental mind than to ours. Further,
Orientals regard PRESTIGE, or loss of it, on the basis of the
PERSON of the nation's leader. Khrushchev and the Chinese Reds, of
completely ruining American prestige in the East. There will,
of course, be attempts in America to make light of this; and, since
the Japanese treaty was signed, to give our people comfort in
thinking this fiasco has worked to our advantage after all.
But the Communist policy is not to attack the West first
or direct--but to conquer Britain and America BY WAY OF CHINA,
JAPAN, AND INDIA. They know this "loss of face" they have given
our peoples, by humiliating and insulting the U.S. President--and
getting away with it--will have a TREMENDOUS effect on turning the
minds of Eastern peoples against us and toward Communism.
5) Then the final humiliation was hurled on Mr.
Eisenhower when he visited Chiang Kai-Shek on Formosa. They poured
more shells on Quemoy than ever before as a "welcome" and a
Thus a TREMENDOUS blow to "the PRIDE OF OUR POWER" has
been struck. Make no mistake about it--even as God does sometimes
use evil powers to PUNISH His own people--even as He did by sending
pagan Assyria to conquer ancient Israel, and God-rejecting Babylon
to take Judah captive--so He is now in process of BREAKING THE
It is true, the U.S.-Japanese Security treaty was signed.
It grants the U.S. bases in Japan for ten years. It is true, the
Red mobs in Japan represent, as of now, only a small minority--
Premier Kishi was backed by a large majority of the Japanese
Parliament--and also a large majority of the Japanese people--yet
the "loss of FACE" these Red mobs dealt our people was a FAR
GREATER victory for the Reds in their march through China, Japan,
India, etc., on toward WORLD DOMINATION, than it was for the U.S.
in getting the treaty signed.
Our nations have been suffering one major defeat after
another in the Cold War in these recent events. And they have
brought the world perilously close to HYDROGEN-BOMB WAR!
The U.S. now has bases in Japan--if they can be held--for
ten years. BUT U.S. bases ringed around Russia are being
threatened--now uncertain in Korea; under real pressure in Okinawa;