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I want to tell you more about it. At our World
Headquarters in Pasadena, California, in one of the buildings on
the Ambassador College campus, is located our own News Bureau,
occupying four rooms and staffed with a number of men. There we
have the same facilities as daily newspapers and radio or
television Network news-rooms. We have the UPI teletype, clicking
away 24 hours a day, automatically typing up news coming in over
United Press International leased wires. We get the latest news at
precisely the same instant the newspapers and radio or TV news
departments receive it, anywhere in the world.
In these rooms our news men receive also such newspapers
and news magazines as the London Times, the Manchester Guardian,
the New York Times and New York Herald-Tribune, the Chicago
Tribune, the Christian Science Monitor--all of which have their own
special news analysts, columnists, and editorial features; Time,
News-Week, the United States News & World Report, Life, the German
news-magazine Der Spiegel; private world-news reports by special
Bureaus in London, Washington and New York, subscribed to by banks,
newspapers, magazine editors, and business executives who need to
keep up with the best knowledge of world conditions--political,
economic, and otherwise. Many of these Bureaus maintain large
staffs of trained observers and reporters in various parts of the
world. Hundreds of our own readers and co-workers all over the
world help by sending in clippings and items of news from their
local papers or other sources.
Now I would like you to consider one other fact, and then
analyst--no news broadcaster or reporter can really UNDERSTAND the
news he reports, UNLESS he understands Biblical PROPHECY! As
BELOW! These present world happenings are hurling this world
rapidly along the course of that purpose toward its CLIMAX! Unless
this is known--unless the events PROPHESIED are recognized as they
occur--the news man simply does not understand the news.
As a result, newspapers often feature UNimportant news
with tremendous headlines on page one, and bury vital news on the
bottom of page 13 with small headlines. Our men are trained to
recognize SIGNIFICANT news. They know what to look for. They
recognize the meaning of events.
What THIS MEANS TO YOU, then, is simply this: God has set
us as YOUR WATCHMEN (see Ezekiel 33:1-11). One author wrote a book
calling the Vatican the world's "Listening Post." But YOUR
"Listening Post"--the real number one "Listen-Post" of world news
of all this world, is located in the rooms of our News Bureau in
Pasadena, California! And, my dear friend, YOU HAD BETTER HEED
when we report news and give you warning--or else, read Ezek.
33:3-5; and verses 9-11.
And right now I have IMPORTANT NEWS--and for you, an
important WARNING!
Now let's UNDERSTAND what has happened. Here is the