"HOW IS THIS WORK FINANCED?" "WHY don't we beg for money
on the air?" This is GOD'S WORK. It must be financed GOD'S WAY,
not man's way. We trust fully in GOD. Now of course God does not
rain down thousand-dollar bills from the sky. He could--but His
way is to work THROUGH human beings whose hearts He makes willing.
THAT GIVES US THE GREATER BENEFIT! God tells us that HE owns the
entire earth--including the silver and the gold! And so God has
ordained the TITHING system, retaining the first tenth of every
person's income as HIS--as HOLY to Him--and also He commands the
giving of generous free will offerings. This, God uses for HIS
WORK! God's WAY is the GIVING way. Jesus said it is more blessed
to GIVE than to receive. The WORLD practices the GETTING way.
That's the difference between God's way and Satan's way!
We simply TRUST GOD to lay it on the hearts of HIS people,
and those willing to go HIS way, voluntarily to turn in their
tithes and generous offerings to the headquarters of HIS WORK. But
in preaching to the PUBLIC, God offers His precious Gospel FREE!
We CANNOT ask the public for financial support. We cannot put a
price on Gospel literature to the public!
THAT'S WHY! We do not ask the public for money--WE ASK
GOD, and those whom we believe to be GOD'S PEOPLE! IF, however, an
interested listener and PLAIN TRUTH reader sends in, voluntarily,
tithes or free-will offerings for this work TWICE within six
months, then, because Jesus said that where our treasure is our
HEARTS are, also, we send them a nice letter telling them we
believe they desire to be a co-worker with us in this wonderful
work. I send a special CO-WORKER letter out to all such co-workers
EVERY MONTH, keeping them informed of all the plans and progress of
the work, and often I DO ask them for money. WHY? Because it is
the BIBLE WAY! Moses did ask the Congregation of Israel for
offerings! The Apostle Paul did ask God's own people for
contributions! BUT NOT THE WORLD!
Yes, truly, this has been from the start a WORK OF FAITH!
Our faith has often been sorely tried. God did not intend to make
the task of His own servants an easy one--obstacles and tests of
faith develop character, and strengthen us!
It seems that our faith is tried especially AT THIS VERY
SEASON every year! For years the period from the middle of
November on through December was our most trying period of the
ISN'T THIS A PARADOX? Most people, not realizing what they
are doing, spend generously and lavishly on Christmas presents--to
EXCHANGE gifts with friends, relatives, or business customers--
because they think this is CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY--yet they forget all
about any gift for CHRIST, or for HIS WORK! Isn't it strange?
Most people seem to OVERLOOK CHRIST ALTOGETHER while spending
FREELY on what they suppose to be BIRTHDAY GIFTS! They forget the
"wise men" gave their gifts to CHRIST--they did not TRADE presents
back and forth! However, that was not Christ's birthday, nor were
they, in fact, giving Him birthday presents at all!
It seems just like a lot of people getting up a big