radio log in The PLAIN TRUTH.)
Yes, JESUS CHRIST, the active HEAD of this work, is now
stepping up the power of this work in breath-taking manner! THERE
IS A REASON! World events are speeding up, with increasing
In January of this year it was announced that there are now
THREE ways by which all human life can be erased from this earth!
Russia has all three! In Germany, Garner Ted Armstrong and I found
conditions developing rapidly toward the prophesied UNITED STATES
OF EUROPE--the coming mighty THIRD MAJOR POWER in the world--
actually stronger than either the United States or Russia! For
more than a quarter century I have been proclaiming to the world
there, we obtained a report showing that the nations of Europe,
already united in an economic combine, have gone to number one
position in world TRADE!
Since June the Russians have sent their space rocket LUNIK
encircling the MOON--actually, so they boast, transmitting
photographs to earth of the other side of the moon!
WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? What is the real behind-the-
scenes significance? The world does not know! But Bible prophecy
REVEALS the meaning!
It means that we are crashing on, at space-flight SPEED,
toward the very END of this world--this age--this civilization!
WHAT does the opening of so many mighty new DOORS for THIS
WORK OF GOD mean? It means Christ is speeding up HIS WORK through
us, to keep pace with the speed-up of world events TOWARD THE END!
It means we are getting mighty CLOSE to the time Jesus foretold,
when, unless God steps in and intervenes in world affairs, NO HUMAN
LIFE WOULD BE SAVED ALIVE! It means it is FAR later than you
think! It means we are rapidly nearing the SECOND COMING OF
CHRIST, to STOP all this increasing VIOLENCE, and to BRING INTO
BEING (by the RESURRECTION) THE KINGDOM OF GOD, to rule the world,
and to usher in world peace and happiness, at last!
Do you realize that THIS VERY WORK OF GOD is definitely
mentioned and foretold IN BIBLE PROPHECIES? That sounds
incredible--but it's TRUE! (Matthew 24:14, and Mark 13:10).
How, then, did this powerful work really start?
In past annual letters to our listeners and readers, I have
given a brief condensed story of my own life--how God took away my
business time after time, struck me down, angered me into trying to
prove by the Bible that "all these churches can't be wrong,"
revealed to me THE PLAIN TRUTH OF HIS GOSPEL which has been hidden
from the world almost 19 centuries, literally plunged me into HIS
WORK of proclaiming that very Gospel--then began OPENING DOORS of
mass evangelism, by radio, TV, and the printing press--at first the
smallest of any broadcast, but constantly, almost unbelievably,
GROWING in power and scope!