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Ruhr, in Germany. Ted and I will be there ON THE SPOT this very
I wonder if YOU realize just HOW IMPORTANT, and HOW
VALUABLE, this is to YOU? The day will come--and it's now LATER
THAN YOU THINK--when you will KNOW for a certainty that GOD HIMSELF
was speaking to YOU thru the human instruments of His own choosing,
just as He promised He would in prophecy! I hope you are also
WATCHING, and PRAYING ALWAYS, that, as Jesus said (Luke 21:36), YOU
may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE the frightful things that are
soon coming to pass in this world.
This is a wonderful LABOR OF LOVE, which Almighty GOD has
called us to perform. What a wonderful blessing it is for us to
HAVE PART in the very WORK OF GOD!! I do thank you, and am truly
grateful, for your interest. And would it be asking too much to
ask you to PRAY FOR ME, personally, and for Garner Ted, my son,
whom you hear also on the air, and for all who are co-workers with
us in God's great work--even as we constantly pray for YOU? While
the Apostle Paul prayed for all the brethren in all the Churches of
God in that day, he also asked them to pray for him. You might not
realize that we need YOUR prayers--but I assure you most sincerely
that we DO! And may God's richest blessings and His divine
protection be yours!
In closing, let me tell you I am having two new booklets
printed right away--very IMPORTANT booklets. The one, "The TRUE
HISTORY of the TRUE CHURCH"--certainly a startling eye-opener.
What did happen to the one and ONLY Church which JESUS built,
started by His own apostles? You'll be amazed to find the true
answer, carefully documented, and PROVED, by years of research into
histories, manuscripts, and records not only in the United States,
but also in the libraries of London, Rome, and other ancient
The other booklet is entitled "Ending your FINANCIAL
WORRIES." It is on the subject of tithing. Thousands have asked
us about this--was it just for ancient Israel?--and how should the
true work of GOD be financed? Did you ever wonder why we do not
beg for money over the air, or make charge for our literature, or
even any request for contributions in our literature? You'll find
the booklet on "TITHING" mighty interesting, full of TRUTH and
common sense, and it will not contain any request for money, but it
will reveal to you an absolutely WORKABLE LAW of HOW to MAKE ENDS
A recent survey by "U. S. News and World Report" disclosed
what most Americans are really concerned about. In the face of the
Russian missile lead, the race to conquer space, and the threat of
hydrogen-bomb war, MOST Americans are FAR more concerned with
making ends meet!
WHY are so many parents "farming out" their children (a
recent survey proves fully 25% of American children are living with
people other than their real parents) so both parents can work?
Why, in a wave of prosperity such as has swept over NO other
nation, are Americans so desperately striving to solve all their