Today GOD'S servants in HIS WORK are RESTORING God's ways
and commandments to us in this regard, too! We are now preparing
a BIBLE HYMNAL. It will contain some 50 or 60 beautiful hymns
composed by my brother, Dwight Leslie Armstrong, whom God has given
special talent for composing beautiful music, set to the words of
the PSALMS or other passages of the Bible. It will also contain a
goodly number of hymns set to the Psalms taken from a very old
Presbyterian hymnal, and also a goodly number of the best-liked
hymns sung by many denominations, with the words of the Psalms or
other Scriptures substituted for the unscriptural words you have
always sung with these tunes. And then also a number of the
favorite old hymns loved by nearly everybody, where the words are
not anti-scriptural, or where we have altered a few words to make
the meaning conform to the true Scriptural meaning. NEVER has
there been a song-book like this one! I will announce it when
ready. It may be that, if you should desire to have one or more
copies, that they could be purchased through the music publishers.
Of course we ourselves do not have facilities for publishing music.
We shall have to purchase all the copies we wish from the music
publishers, and I am sure you could obtain one or more copies the
same way. I will see what arrangements can be made. Meanwhile, if
you will want one these true BIBLE Hymnals, with the most beautiful
music ever published in our time, you might write and tell me, and
how many you will want--that will help us to know how many to have
them publish. I don't know what they will cost--it will depend
mostly on the kind of binding chosen. If they are bound in stiff
board bindings, as they ought to be to last, they will cost more--
not less than $1 a book, and perhaps $2 or more.
There I got off our story--but I wanted you to know that.
Now notice verse 31: "...and the CONGREGATION brought in
sacrifices and thank offerings; and as many as were of a free heart
burnt offerings." Now ALL THE CONGREGATION--thousands of people--
joined in this great service (Verse 28).
"But the priests were TOO FEW." (Verse 34.) Yes, just like
today, our ministers are TOO FEW! We must PRAY that God will send
MORE able and qualified young men to be trained for God's service
in Ambassador College!
And the burnt offerings WERE IN ABUNDANCE, ... So the
service of the house of the ETERNAL was set in order." (Verse 35.)
WHY, dear Co-Workers, in this SPIRITUAL dispensation, in the work
of the GOSPEL,--WHY are not our money OFFERINGS ever in sufficient
ABUNDANCE for the WORK OF GOD today? WHY can't we today, be of as
willing hearts as those carnal-minded people--when WE have God's
HOLY SPIRIT? Well, some of you are--but too many are not. We need
to stir ourselves!
Next, beginning chapter 30, King Hezekiah wrote letters to
all Judah and Israel that they should come to God's Temple at
Jerusalem to keep God's Passover--asking these people who had
drifted from God and from His ways into the worship of pagan gods
and the practises of pagan customs. He asked them to TURN AGAIN to
GOD (Verse 6). Many of them laughed the king's messengers to scorn