KGO, San Francisco. On an every-night basis, this is most unusual
Co-Workers, the harvest is plenteous--but the laborers are
too FEW! God tells us in the Bible to PRAY that He will send forth
more dedicated LABORERS in His work--for it is LATER THAN WE THINK!
We have but a few years left to finish the Work of God!
Many of us have been praying to this end. God has sent to
Ambassador College this fall our largest freshman class so far--75.
Entrance Exams indicated a far larger number than ever before in
the higher brackets of scholarship ability. There are now more
than 200 students, for the first time in Ambassador College. Its
growth is steady and constant. There were only four pioneer
students the first year--seven the second year, twelve the third,
twenty-three the fourth. This rate of growth has continued. Now,
in the twelfth year of the college, we have at last passed 200.
But we also need many more Co-Workers who make all this
great work possible by their faithful tithes and generous
This morning I arose early--5:00 AM--and was reading the
experiences once again of God's people of old time, in the days of
King Hezekiah of Judah. And WHAT A TYPE of God's Work thru US
TODAY--God's people of these very last days!
LISTEN! It is thrilling! Can we be as loyal as they?
Begin with II Chronicles 29: "Hezekiah began to reign when
he was twenty-five years old ... and he did that which was right in
the sight of the Eternal. ... In the first year of his reign, in
the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the Eternal,
and repaired them" (Verses 1-3).
Over 31 years ago God in His mercy opened my eyes to His
TRUTH, called me as His minister, later to lead as His instrument
in His great work for these last days. And after some years of
study, being instructed in God's Word, and of experience in
evangelism, God OPENED THE DOORS of radio and the printing press,
and television, before me and the FEW other Co-Workers who stood
back of me; on one little 100-watt radio station at first. The
first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH came out in February, 1934, about
250 copies, which I printed by hand on a MIMEOGRAPH.
Just as the richly ornate and costly TEMPLE God had built
by King Solomon in Jerusalem had fallen into disuse, and disrepair
and dirt and filth, SO IN OUR DAY the very source of instruction
for God's worship--the Holy Bible--had become misinterpreted,
twisted, distorted, and His TRUTH dragged in the FILTH of pagan
teachings and practises! But God thru us began to RESTORE His
TRUTH--the faith once delivered to the saints. Gradually God led
me to call more and more Co-Workers to join us in sanctifying our-
selves and God's Holy Word, casting out the filthiness which the
religious world had allowed to distort and pervert the TRUTH.
Notice the ancient TYPE of this!