of God has been GROWING this year as never before. Never before
has God opened so many new DOORS of radio, and other mediums for
GETTING OUT HIS GOSPEL! No longer do we number those being
CONVERTED--their lives being changed--begotten of God, being SAVED
--in the dozens or the scores or even in the hundreds. This year
for the first time they are numbering INTO THE THOUSANDS! This
summer we have had a total of FOUR baptizing teams out touring the
entire United States and Canada. There are between two thousand
and twenty-five hundred awaiting baptism--or there were, when the
teams started out. They are utterly unable to get to all of them
this summer. We are now planning to keep at least one baptizing
team going the year around!
My other son, Garner Ted, is conducting an evangelistic
campaign in Springfield, Missouri. At first we received reports
from there that many whole church congregations were going to
attend, and that we would have to move to a larger auditorium to
hold the crowds. But by opening night we learned there was
OPPOSITION! The church congregations were being warned and told
NOT to attend. Every effort was made to keep people away. The
auditorium was filled anyway! After the first night, when many
came from 50 miles to as far as 500 miles away the crowd was less
but it began increasing--hundreds hungry for the real Bible TRUTH!
That campaign is proving a big success. People are being
converted--several already baptized!
All this abundant harvest God is giving HIS WORK has
ANGERED SATAN! Satan is WROTH! He is striking every way he can!
I have heard of astonishing incidents which cannot be accounted for
any way except SATAN with his invisible POWER striking at this
Mr. Billingsley was driving the car when the accident
occurred. Mr. Billingsley was formerly our chauffeur at Ambassador
College. He is one of the best, most careful drivers I ever rode
with--an experienced, professional driver. As other chauffeurs
were employed, until we had a complete transportation department,
Mr. Billingsley advanced to be manager of the department. His
Bible knowledge and teaching ability improved, and his after-hours
service helped so many people spiritually that he was put full time
into the SPIRITUAL, phase of God's work, and ordained as an Elder.
He had just been praying, just before this accident, that God would
help him be careful in driving. He WAS careful. He cannot explain
--nor can Dick--how this happened, except that all of a sudden here
came this car crashing into them.
I cannot explain it any way except that Satan was striking
at this work, by striking at one of our very highest-ranking and
most able ministers--and that GOD ALLOWED IT, for a great PURPOSE!
That purpose was to WAKE UP many of you careless and
negligent and half-indifferent Co-Workers, who have your minds and
hearts as much or MORE in the interests of THIS WORLD--in MATERIAL
interests--than in this precious and ALL-important WORK OF GOD!
We can see the hand of GOD in this in many ways! Had God