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treatment, the hospital and the doctors would have been CRITICALLY
LIABLE, possibly prosecuted for criminal neglect, their licenses
revoked, and possible penitentiary sentences. From their point of
view they HAD to either treat him medically or get him quickly off
their hands. And they did not dare give this medical treatment
against his determined protests. Apparently he was too far gone to
protest when he was carried into the second hospital. And after I
arrived, I did authorize what was necessary to allow these
specialists to do what God would have MEN do, and in such a manner
that the doctors and hospital are protected against criminal
neglect according to state law!
They do not dare start to set bones and got the broken and
displaced parts back in proper place until he is strong enough to
stand anesthetics. His temperature and blood pressure have been
essentially normal since that first night. Then, as always happens
in such a case, his kidneys, being overloaded, were unable to
produce normally, and the doctors cannot begin these replacements
until this condition clears up. Yesterday and today the kidney
condition is improving. The doctors are much encouraged.
This has been a terrific test of will power and character
for Dick. I want to tell you, as his father, I am well pleased
with the manner in which he is behaving under the most terrible
ordeal of his life. He is showing far greater strength of
character than even I realized he had. His wife and baby son were
brought up here early Thursday, and Lois is proving a wife of
remarkably strong character. She is helping every way, keeping up
courage, not going to pieces--and still nursing her baby without
any upset condition in the baby whatever, and spending hours each
day at Dick's bedside.
Now WHY did this happen? We know that God did allow it to
happen. Some unthinking people, not fully knowing God's ways or
the BIBLE, begin to wonder if God is punishing my son and Mr.
Billingsley, or if this means we do not have any divine protection,
after all!
This was allowed to happen--and for a PURPOSE! But that
purpose was not to punish these two servants of God who were at the
moment out in His service. Nor does it mean for one moment that we
do not have divine protection! THEY DID HAVE DIVINE PROTECTION, or
else both would have been killed. God permitted this to go just so
far, and NO FARTHER. Dick was allowed to be carried as near death
as is humanly possible and still live. But he was protected from
death--and he will be delivered out of this, and healed.
I have had to face the question, in praying to God about
it, of whether I would be willing to give him up, if God should
take his life. I have had to tell God that if that is what He
does, then GOD'S WILL BE DONE! Abraham was required to be willing
to sacrifice his son. God didn't require him to actually do it,
after he was willing and obedient. But God did sacrifice HIS Son
Jesus for us!