a LOUD SHOUT as they praised the Eternal that the foundation of the
temple of the Eternal had been laid. ... Many were SHOUTING ALOUD
FOR JOY ... the people were shouting so loud that the sound was
heard far off."
The foundation of the Tabernacle of the Eternal IS NOW LAID!
Just like in those days of old, masons and joiners and
workmen have been hired. Our elder Deacon and manager of buildings
and grounds at Gladewater, Texas, Brother Roy Hammer, has been
appointed to superintend the work for the Church. The aluminized
steel for the structure will have arrived on the site from
Columbus, Nebraska, by the time you receive this letter.
The builders have completed the LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION!
The great new Tabernacle of the Eternal is well on its way! From
now on it will go up FAST! Everything is moving right on schedule!
Brethren, can WE really feel JOY and PRAISE and THANKSGIVING
in our hearts over this? Of course this Tabernacle is not to be as
fine and costly as the Temple at Jerusalem. It is the most
inexpensive type of construction there is today. It is going to be
rather bare and unfinished in the main auditorium. We are too near
the END of this world to attempt any fine and costly building
today. But this is GOD'S TABERNACLE, just the same. It is FOR THE
WORSHIP OF GOD and the keeping of His Holy Days as He commanded,
just as the Temple at Jerusalem was. And it is undoubtedly the
LARGEST building on earth today that is TRULY GOD'S, and for His
Holy Days.
Brethren, can we express our JOY and THANKS to God, and,
GRATITUDE by sending in our pledge money for July--if not already
sent--and, for those who did not pledge, a great big EXTRA
offering, special and over and above, and separate from, your
regular tithes and offerings?
Let THAT be a part of OUR sacrifice today--OUR expression of
joy--OUR shouting aloud for joy!
Our large July payment--the other half of the $100,000 down
payment due in June, plus the $12,000 July payment--is due July
20th. I'm sure if your combined LOUD SHOUT of PRAISE to God
reaches Pasadena in the form of extra generous offerings before
that date, we shall be able to meet this payment!
If any of you NEWER members have not received our booklet on
God's Holy Days, be sure to write in for it immediately, so you
will understand. WHAT A REJOICING we shall have at this fall's
Festival, starting September 28th, in THIS NEW BIG TABERNACLE!
And don't neglect REGULAR offerings and tithes. The work of
God is seriously BEHIND just now. It may take a whole year to
catch up--but if you all are faithful and generous, putting God's
work FIRST in your lives, our business office will get caught up