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know, and we have designed it to be built at the lowest possible
cost. It is just a BIG BUILDING! Even so, we should outgrow it in
two or three years. It is so designed that we can then add two
wings enlarging it to a 10,000-seat capacity, and when we outgrow
that--if we do--we can add a balcony, bringing it up to around
14,000 seats. The additions will not cost proportionately to this
first major unit.
This huge Tabernacle will be very plain--nothing ornate or
luxurious--but it is very skillfully designed for our particular
needs. I feel that it will be very adequate for our purpose.
The work has been in a terrible financial bind. Our
business office is simply straining to keep our heads above water.
About ten percent or more of our members and co-workers have been
out of work, and unable to send in customary tithes and offerings.
BRETHREN!--this means that the rest of us must STRAIN A
LITTLE HARDER, sacrifice a little more--send in a little more than
formerly! The WORK is leaping ahead with increasing crescendo, and
in multiplying POWER! More people are being converted than ever
before--over ONE THOUSAND precious souls now awaiting baptism by
our teams on their summer tours. Think of it! Over a thousand!
My son, Garner Ted Armstrong, has made all arrangements for
conducting the largest evangelistic campaign the Church has ever
undertaken this summer, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With him we
are sending a trained and competent team. Mr. Al Portune is going
as song leader, and Mrs. Lucy Martin, head of the Ambassador
College Department of Music, as pianist. Both Mr. Portune and Ted
are soloists of professional ability, and they will sing frequent
solos. Mr. Wayne Cole has already gone to Pittsburgh to visit our
members scattered over that district and start our new CHURCH there
prior to the opening of the campaign. He will be there to assist
Ted in the campaign, leading in prayer, making announcements, etc.,
and pastoring the new local Church. Also we are sending Mr. John
Hammer and Mr. Charles Black to act as deacons, ushering, passing
out song books, etc. Mrs. Garner Ted Armstrong will also play the
piano, thus using two pianos for the congregation singing. A
splendid and well-known hall, near down-town Pittsburgh, has been
My other son, Richard D. Armstrong, is the father of a new
8-pound, 6-ounce boy, named Richard David Armstrong the Second,
born May 15th. This is the tenth grandchild for Mrs. Armstrong and
me. God is blessing us in every way!
Jut recently the super-power KVOO, Tulsa, 1170 on the dial,
50,000 watts, opened up a MOST desirable time for The WORLD
TOMORROW--7:30, Central time, every evening! This will mean better
reception for many of our members. Also, it means we MUST organize
new churches in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and probably Duncan, just as
soon as we can possibly have pastors available. Also, we hope to
organize a new church this summer or early fall in either
Springfield or Lebanon, Missouri. Many of you brethren still have
no local church near enough to attend regularly. But BE PATIENT,
brethren, and KEEP PRAYING for God's work, and for more God-called