Now just where do we stand, today? YOU have heard Christ's
Message. YOU are without excuse! Yes, a few million others have
heard. Perhaps a fourth or more of all the people in such states
as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana have heard it. Perhaps
one in every ten have heard it in several other states, but
probably not more than one in every fifty have yet been reached in
still other states -- perhaps one in every fifty or seventy-five in
Great Britain -- one in a thousand in some parts of the world.
True, this has become a truly great work. Already it has gone
around the world, and into every continent -- but not into all
nations. And it has not yet hit any nation wi more than a fraction
of the power or impact that Christ has shown us in His Word that it
Yes, we have just barely started -- but it is a glorious and
impressive start. The foundation for the most powerful and far-
reaching activity ever achieved by or thru mankind is laid, and
soundly and solidly laid under the guidance, power and blessing of
the Living Christ. In and thru His power we shall continue to the
divinely set GOAL -- for there is NO LIMIT to His power -- ALL
THINGS are possible with God!
Right now we are receiving about 50,000 requests for Gospel
literature every month. That is close to a record mail.
But, as Christ leads us on into an increasingly more powerful
and resultful work, we also are led into increasing financial
outlays. Our business office is in a terribly tight squeeze. It
continues to be a constant strain to meet necessary financial
commitments. Again, the receipt of tithes and offerings has been
dropping off alarmingly.
Dear Co-Workers, if we here at the Headquarters office have to
strain to the limit of our resources to keep this great work going,
we have to rely on YOU to strain to YOUR very limit -- to put the
WORK of God FIRST, ahead of everything except the actual
necessities of life -- to sacrifice pleasures, amusements, wants
and desires -- so that, if possible, you may increase the offerings
you send in for God's work, as well as being faithful in paying
God's tithe.
Again I have to ask you to send in the largest amount you
possibly can -- whether it be several thousand dollars or only the
widow's two mites -- according as God has blessed and made
possible. We are in a most trying time. The nation is in an
economic recession. Some 5 million are out of work. That means
that those of us who do still have an income must strain harder to
make up for Co-Workers now unemployed. I am happy to tell you,
however, that a far smaller percentage of our Co-Workers are
unemployed than for the country as a whole, and many of our
faithful tithe-payers who were temporarily thrown out of work have
written me that they are now happily back at work. Truly, God
blesses His tithe-payers!
Well, God bless you all! I know you'll respond as soon and
generously as possible. Keep PRAYING, as never before, for me, and
all our staff, and for God's work!