the GOD we trusted SENT IT within that hour, believe it or not!
We found we could RELY ON GOD!
From that humble beginning, this work has grown steadily.
February 1st, 1934, the first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH came out---
printed on a borrowed mimeograph, stencils cut on a borrowed type-
writer---total cost, only stencils, ink and paper and postage---
total circulation, about 250 copies!
As the radio program grew, expanding onto more and more
stations, the largest advertising agency on the Pacific Coast urged
me to drop the ministry and accept a $100,000 per year salary for
a 15-minute daily prophetic newscast sponsored by one of the large
breakfast-food companies. My wife scolded me for even telling her
of the incident! And the promise was that the salary would be
boosted to $200,000 annually when the program attained a high
We have made every personal sacrifice for this work. But
it has grown, until today we purchase more watts of radio power per
week than any program on earth, so far as I know---more than FOUR
MILLION WATTS per week! The WORLD TOMORROW is now heard daily in
every part of the United States. It is heard weekly all over
Europe, the British Isles, South Africa, India, China, over a
national Network in the Philippines, and is the DOMINANT religious
program on TWO Australian national Networks---one the Big-City
Network, reaching more than 85% of Australia's population. January
1st it is to start in South America.
Now, as always, this work is FINANCED by sheer FAITH IN
GOD. We refuse to ask for money over the air. None of God's
Gospel literature published by us is for sale---it's FREE, and no
request for money with it. Now of course God does not rain down
money thru the air. GOD WORKS THRU HUMAN AGENCIES in His Gospel
work on earth. God's work is financed GOD'S OWN WAY---thru the
TITHES and free-will OFFERINGS of His people on whose hearts He has
laid it to HAVE A PART IN HIS WORK. We do not ask for money over
the air or in our FREE literature. WE ASK GOD, IN BELIEVING
precious GOSPEL God has revealed to us, FREELY. No one is ever
solicited, directly or indirectly, unless and until offerings or
tithes have been sent in, VOLUNTARILY, at least twice within six
months---or unless the giver of a first offering states in the
letter he or she wishes to be a regular Co-Worker with us, making
regular contributions.
So many, never hearing any request for money on the
broadcast, write in to ask, "Would you be offended if we sent a
contribution?" Once a year I try to answer this question for all
our PLAIN TRUTH readers, as I have answered it here. You have a
right to know!
TECHNOLOGY MEAN? It means it's LATER than we think!!---and that
now, more than ever, the MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY ON EARTH is this
very WORK OF GOD of broadcasting, publishing, and preaching by
personal evangelism, as our evangelists trained in Ambassador