All this costs MORE MONEY. And, dear Co-Workers, THAT IS
YOUR PART in this great work of GOD. God is doing HIS part---
opening tremendous doors to reach additional MILLIONS all around
the earth! CHRIST is doing HIS part, as our Head and High Priest
on the throne of Grace. I am trying to do MY part, putting my ALL,
and every ounce of strength and energy into it. Now you must
sacrifice to do YOUR part, generously, unselfishly, regularly, as
often as you can, send in God's tithes and your liberal offerings.
Again the income is dropping below the expenses of this great
work. Again I have to ask you to pray, with your whole heart in
all earnestness, that God will lay it on the hearts of other
Co-Workers to give more generously for God's work. God bless you,
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong