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and co-operation in it. The sales-manager came right down. He was
furious. "You sure took it up with the right man," he said to me.
"Mr. Maland is the boss." He fought to change Mr. Maland's
agreement with me, and I fought to retain it. Our fate hung by a
thread, because Mr. Maland, while friendly personally, did not
appear to wish to antagonize his sales manager, and he was
determined. I was asked to step out and let them discuss it
privately. I was ushered into the audition room. While they
threshed it out, I knelt and prayed. Mr. Maland compromised---
agreed to let us remain on until the expiration of our year's
contract in August, and to this the sales manager finally agreed.
And so, we STILL have to seek God's intervention, or we
shall have to leave WHO in August. But it gives us opportunity, in
the meantime, to continue long enough to make WHO financially
support the addition of one or two other super-power stations. It
gives four and a half months to try to bring pressure through Dr.
Palmer, who owns the station, and through Mr. Maland, who I believe
is my friend, to find a way to renew the contract for another year
---and 4« months to get established on other stations reaching the
entire country.
After this I made a few long distance calls to other
stations. There are nationally-cleared-channel stations in St.
Louis, in Louisville, Nashville, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, and
Chicago, and one in San Antonio, Texas. The one at St. Louis is
owned by C.B.S., and closed to religious broadcasts. The ones in
Chicago are excessive in cost---from $250 up to $750 per broadcast,
depending upon time of day. All of them except the one at San
Antonio, cost over $100 per broadcast, even at their lowest rate
for any time of day, 11:00 P.M. or after.
I noticed that station WOAI, San Antonio, had a published
rate of $48.60 from 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. I called them up by
long distance, contacted the sales manager, found 11:00 P.M. was
OPEN! So, after the next Sunday night Broadcast over WHO, I caught
the midnight train for Kansas City and San Antonio, arriving there
Tuesday morning. The manager of WOAI listened to auditions of two
of our transcribed programs. He complimented me on the programs,
and after questioning me as to our policies, the nature of our
work, etc., said the program was acceptable. And then,---to show
you how God goes before and works out things for His work---he said
they had just published a new rate-card. It INCREASES the rates
for all time except the period between 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.,
which was decreased still lower---enough lower to save us over $300
per year under the present rate, and he offered me the benefit of
this new lower rate---far less than HALF that of any other 50,000
watt nationally-cleared-channel station! He said he would have his
secretary make out the contracts the next day, and mail to our
office in Eugene for me to sign and return. And I have learned
from the office that the contracts are now there awaiting my
signature. We decided to start the first broadcast on WOAI Sunday
night, May 2nd.
Station WOAI is second ONLY to WHO in value to us. It will
cover FAR more territory than KWKH at Shreveport. I have heard it
many times in Eugene. I talked to a number of people in Des