earth surpasses it in beauty, and few have seen anything to equal
it. Beyond question, God has placed in our hands the most
beautiful grounds in Southern California, if not in all America!
It will take at least another year to restore the recently-acquired
Merritt-estate grounds to their former beauty, but our staff is
hard at work on it, and the 1957 Envoy will show many pictures as
it is now.
This is your opportunity to become acquainted with the
dedicated young men and women being here trained to take
responsibility in God's Great Commission, in which YOU are a
As you know, The Envoy is the pictorial yearbook of
Ambassador College! It will be beautifully and permanently bound,
with scores of pages of interesting pictures depicting in vivid
detail every phase of life, work, play and fellowship here at
Ambassador. There will be action pictures, candid shots, human
interest pictures, and class-room pictures.
At a price barely covering the production cost, you can
obtain this superb volume to enjoy in your own home---to treasure
and keep through the years to come.
There could never have been a yearbook without YOU!
Ambassador started out as the smallest college in America. It
would have been impossible, financially, to print an annual for
students and professors alone. This situation gave birth to a plan
that has been followed since---our yearbook is produced with both
the college and church members in mind. It is as much your book as
the students'.
Although the book this year will be enlarged and
improved, it comes to you at the same low price of $5. So PLEASE
HURRY your order, for the Envoy staff must know very soon the total
number needed from the printers. So rush your subscription,
You can send the $5 by return mail---OR, one single
dollar will hold your book until June 1,---OR you can reserve your
book without any money now until February 1, merely by asking us to
put your name on the list. The 1957 Envoys are due to be mailed
out in early June.
I hope that EVERY MEMBER will subscribe for the Envoy
this year, so that all or you may be brought into more close and
personal relationship with this busy nerve-center of God's work!
Make all checks or money-orders payable to "The Envoy,"
NOT to me personally---and send your order or reservation to The
Envoy, Box 111, Pasadena, California. A self addressed envelope is
enclosed. Use it, TODAY! THANK YOU!
Sincerely in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong