times more mail than any other religious broadcast. They were
"And then, have you heard the news from South Africa?" one
of them interjected. A great intensive nation-wide survey had just
been completed in South Africa to determine the popularity of
various programs. In the nation South Africa is a Network of
stations---all government operated, and permitting no religious
programs except those sponsored by the government. We had been
forced to go on Radio Lourenco-Marques, just outside the border of
South Africa. And this comprehensive survey of listening habits in
South Africa had disclosed the astounding fact that The WORLD
TOMORROW has more listeners in South Africa than all of the Network
stations inside of South Africa, combined! It is simply
"But what are we to do about Radio Ceylon?" I asked.
"O, that's what we meant about you coming in here at this
psychological moment," said one of them excitedly. "Less than two
hours ago we got the final decision on that."
And here's what had happened. Listen to a MIRACLE!
Last spring a radical change was made in the government
administration in Ceylon. The former Prime Minister, Sir John
Kotelawala, was a good friend of the West. He had welcomed The
WORLD TOMORROW program on the four super-power bands of Radio
Ceylon. But he was defeated at the polls by Mr. S. W.
Bandaranaike, friend of Nehru, who ran on a pro-Communist ticket
advocating closer ties with Russia and Red China. He also had the
backing of the Buddhists.
Both Communists and Buddhists brought pressure to CLOSE THE
DOOR of this station, reaching all INDIA, Ceylon, Malaya and the
East Indies, and east Africa, to The WORLD TOMORROW program.
Pressure was made to close the station as a commercial business and
follow the pattern of India and most other governments of Europe
and the Middle-East by making it a government-controlled station.
The station thereupon issued orders that the WORLD TOMORROW would
be cancelled, but that we might continue only until the present
contracts should expire.
Our New York agents moved swiftly in our behalf. They
offered the new government of Ceylon this idea: Since the
Communists were antagonistic to The WORLD TOMORROW program, and the
Buddhists, WHY NOT, instead of throwing this program off the air,
propose to the Communists and Buddhists that they open up the
station ALSO to THEIR programs, giving the Communists and the
Buddhists equal time on the air with The WORLD TOMORROW, allowing
them to attack the Gospel we preach openly to ALL THE PEOPLE of
that part of the world on these four super-power radio channels,
but, at the same time, allowing us to attack the Communists or
Buddhists, and answer them, and say anything we wish against THEIR
way of life? They reminded the Communists and Buddhists that, if
they closed the door on The WORLD TOMORROW, they would also have to
close it to Communist propaganda.