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mandatory. God COMMANDS us to attend without fail. He has
provided the financial plan whereby we are enabled to attend the
Feast Days He has given us--by saving our second tithes.
RESERVATIONS: There are many motels located in and around
Gladewater. There have been several newer motels added in the past
two years, one of which is located at Greggton, a small town a few
miles east of Gladewater. There is another large, nicely equipped
motel at Greggton called "The Broadway Terrace". There have also
been added new motels on the highway in and around Longview. The
Longview Hotel is usually available.
CAMPING FACILITIES: Ample space is provided for those wishing
to bring either tents or trailer houses. There are a few simple
directions to follow, however. Please write as early as possible
to Mr. Roy Hammer at Box 453, Gladewater, Texas, and inform him if
you intend to bring either a house trailer or a tent. You should,
of course, bring all your own bedding, washing and shaving
equipment, and any other personal effects necessary. When you
arrive at the Tabernacle grounds, please ask either Mr. Roy Hammer,
or his son, Buck Hammer, with regard to locating yourself on the
MEALS: Meals will be served at the Tabernacle as before, with
the nominal cost of $2.25 per day for adults, and $1.15 per day for
children from 6 to 12 years of age. There is anticipated no charge
for those children under 6 years of age. These meals are "at cost"
to you, with absolutely no margin of profit asked nor intended.
Payment of meals should be made at the time you register with the
Tabernacle office.
REGISTRATION: It is essential that all persons register at
the Tabernacle office, regardless of whether you eat at the
Tabernacle or not.
DIRECTIONS: The Tabernacle grounds are just off Highway #80,
8 miles west of Gladewater, 2 miles east of Big Sandy (about 100
miles east of Dallas. At this point beside our private road
leading to the Tabernacle--beside the cabins and restaurant at this
little junction, you will see a sign: "PRIVATE GROUNDS, Radio
Church of God Tabernacle."
It would be best at this late date for you to plan on having
a tent on the Tabernacle grounds, or to rent a house trailer in
Dallas or nearby--they are less expensive and nearly as comfortable
as a hotel, if not more private, and will allow you to be among our
own people.
I shall look forward to seeing you at the Tabernacle, and may
God bless and protect you, bringing us all safely together for His
wonderful Feast Days!
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong