WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY! We have to raise it!
I can't send any appeal to our whole Co-Worker mailing list---
but ONLY to you who are actually MEMBERS! It means that we who are
members of God's Church--begotten children of GOD'S FAMILY--
absolutely MUST, somehow, raise this EXTRA $5,000 per week between
now and the date of the Festival, only one short month away.
Brethren, this means we have to reach down deep, and sacrifice
till it HURTS! I was forced to PLEDGE this, on YOUR behalf. We
expect some 2,500 or more people at this Festival. We have no
place to put them. There was no other way.
If ever God gave us a real TEST, this is it! The whole work
needs money badly. I can't take this out of the work. The work is
growing now as never before. At least SEVEN new Churches have been
raised up this year--an average of ONE NEW CHURCH BEING ADDED EVERY
MONTH! That's just simply BREATHTAKING! The Gospel is going out
to the world as never before. This year we have added a whole
national net-work of radio stations in Australia, beside Chiang
Kai-Shek's Voice of Free China in Formosa. We have added 50,000-
watt super-power WABC in New York, EVERY NIGHT. We have added a
leading net-work station in Fresno, California, EVERY NIGHT.
Scores and scores of new converts are being baptized this summer.
Ambassador College is having by far its largest number of new
students this fall--already beginning to arrive. Some 45 or more
new students are coming in, and total enrollment will go past 100
for the first time--probably 110 or 115. IN EVERY WAY, God is
pushing forward His work. Our first evangelistic campaign by our
own ministers (other than myself) is now ending its second week in
Fresno, California, with a number already requesting baptism. This
campaign, meetings six nights a week, is being conducted by
Roderick Meredith and Dick Armstrong.
Yes, this is the time of OUR great test. God has been
stepping up the work at a faster pace. HE--God--has been doing
great things for us, and in and thru us. NoW He is putting upon us
a real challenge. We can't have all these good things at God's
hands without making some sacrifice, and putting in OUR SHARE. But
our share, right now, has to be a DOUBLE SHARE, or more, from every
Now I do not mean to pressure any of you into giving what you
cannot, or OUGHT not. Once in a great while I come across a case
of a member who has actually given more than he should, and even
injured God's cause in some way by so doing. But for every one of
these there are perhaps ten--perhaps a hundred--who do not give as
much as they CAN, and SHOULD.
Brethren, PRAY over this. From those who are able, we need
LARGE special offerings--$500, $1,000 or more, for this special
Tabernacle Fund.
Time flies fast, and it may not seem that long, but it has now
been some two or three years since I have made any special request
for this Tabernacle Fund. I felt, when we went on the ABC radio
Network, and last year when we went on TV, that every single extra