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whole powder-keg disturbance which COULD set off World War III.
Saudi Arabia is fabulously rich in oil. Now read this
carefully, for here is the crux of the whole trouble---the heart
and center of all WORLD-trouble today---the present vital scene of
conflict between the U.S. and Russia. More than half of all the
world's known oil reserves are in this Middle East---60% to be
exact! Western armed forces, above all BRITAIN'S, are absolutely
dependent on this oil. They could be defeated in war quickly
without it! The whole Western economy depends largely upon it.
Russia, having less than 7% of the world's oil reserves, looks on
this Middle East with hungry, covetous eyes. THERE'S THE CAUSE OF
TODAY'S FRICTION, mingled with this Arab-Jew dispute over
The Saudi-Arabians, receiving more millions of dollars
from American oil companies than they need at home, began using
this money to fan flames of racial hatred among other Arab
countries against the Jews.
Gamel Abdel Nasser, the young, dynamic, 38-year-old
Premier of Egypt, has been swept into the vortex of this wave of
racial hatred and fanaticism. Nasser started a program to
rehabilitate his people---put in force compulsory education,
started a great dam project to harness the Nile and build Egypt.
But he is young and ambitious, and now apparently aspires to be the
"big-shot" leader of the Arab nations. Today Nasser is beginning
to forget the wretchedness and ignorance of his people---which we
saw there.
The Soviets saw their opportunity to make a drive into
the Middle East, and stir up things against America and Britain.
They offered Nasser arms at half price. He is young and impetuous,
lacking mature wisdom, and he fell for their bait. Now he is
becoming a sword-rattler, and a threat to the peace of the whole
world. He has started many incidents on the Israel border at the
ancient town of Gaza.
There will be NO SETTLING of this dispute. Prophecy says
that every nation that burdens itself with Jerusalem shall be cut
to pieces. "And in that day," says God, speaking of NOW, "will I
make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden
themselves with it shall be cut in pieces" (Zech. 12:3). The
trouble will go on. Later, the resurrected ROMAN EMPIRE---the
Roman Catholic Fascist United States of Europe, even NOW in process
of being formed---will take over this territory and move their
capital here, until the coming of Christ.
GENTILES. It is regarded as the cradle of the three major
religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is called the
"Holy City." But there is very little here visible that is holy
today. Jesus said, "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the
Gentiles UNTIL the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." The
Gentile Times are not yet fulfilled. Jerusalem is INDEED trodden
down by them and their abominations today!