those Co-Workers are people in the lower income-brackets, people
who have had to make a real sacrifice for this wonderful work of
Prior to this time we have never encouraged, even
indirectly, the remitting of tithes or offerings for this work of
God from you people in Britain. It is, I understand, unlawful for
you to send funds outside of Britain, and Christians should obey
the law. The comparatively small amount of money that has been
mailed by British subjects to our London address has been deposited
in a London bank, and retained for Gospel use in the British Isles.
However, with the opening of our London offices, we are now
in position to use whatever tithes and offerings may be received
there from our friends in the British Isles for the publication and
mailing of Gospel literature, or other Gospel or evangelistic
purpose within Britain. And since tithing is a definite law of
God, promising great blessings to the tithe-payer, and pronouncing
curses on our nations because they have neglected it, we have hoped
for the day when we could welcome as Co-Workers those of you who,
of your own volition, wish to become such and have active part in
the spreading of Christ's TRUE GOSPEL over the British Isles. I
say this, however, by way of explanation, and do not wish it to be
interpreted as a request for money. DO NOT, under any
circumstances, send any money to our United States address, for it
would be illegal for you to do so. Send all mail, even if you
desire to write to me personally, to our London address, and if the
letter is to come to me personally, our staff there will send it on
by air-mail at our expense.
I feel you will be glad to know that The WORLD TOMORROW has
been for some time broadcast to the British Commonwealth of South
Africa, and is now starting on a national Network of radio stations
in Australia. Also the program is broadcast to India, Malaya, east
Africa, Formosa and China, and the Hawaiian Islands---around the
Before closing, may I say sincerely, and from the heart,
THANK YOU for the very great PRIVILEGE of being able to serve you,
on the broadcast, or by the things that I or colleagues on our
staff have written.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? I've found it's TRUE---what Jesus
said---"It's more blessed to GIVE, than to receive!" I feel,
sincerely, it is a far greater privilege that God has granted me,
in being able to serve you, and to be His instrument that thru my
voice and pen (or typewriter) you may receive the precious truths
of God, than the privilege He grants you in receiving. WE'RE BOTH
And may I add a word about the forthcoming new booklet,
"1975 IN PROPHECY"---a fast-moving, one-two-three SUMMARY of all
the major prophecies in world events FROM NOW---in plain, simple
language, in their precise order of time-sequence, exactly as
YOU'RE GOING TO SEE THEM HAPPEN! And are you enrolled for the
Ambassador College Bible CORRESPONDENCE COURSE?. I think it's the
most interesting, most valuable course of bible study ever