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to kneel and pray---and I had to find my way up there often. But
God always heard and ANSWERED, often in miraculous ways you
probably wouldn't believe. Today, God has provided me with a
private prayer-room, where I can go daily, and often many times a
On February 1, 1934---one month after the broadcast went on
the air---The PLAIN TRUTH made its very humble bow. It was printed
on a borrowed mimeograph, from stencils cut on a borrowed type-
writer, at few cents cost, except for postage. I don't remember
that original "press run,"---but it was around 250 or 300 copies.
But it was GOD'S work and He blessed and prospered it. Mrs.
Armstrong worked tirelessly with me. For two or three years she
ground out the "magazines" on the mimeograph, addressed and stamped
them and kept up the tiny mailing list which started gradually to
grow. In nine years the work had multiplied to 30 times its size
and scope at the end of the first year. The second nine years it
multiplied 50 times its size at the end of the first nine. And
now, its 23rd year, it has become one of the most powerful works of
evangelism in world-history---purchasing now more than FOUR MILLION
WATTS of radio power per week, world-wide---probably the largest
user of radio on earth today, beside the Television program in
America, and mailing out tons and tons of literature, without
Now finally, let me answer the questions: "HOW is your work
financed?" "WHY don't you ask for money over the air?"
The answer is simple: Some 29 years ago I gave my life over
to God for HIS use----dedicated to living and doing HIS way, not
mine or the way of the world or of tradition. God's way is that
the GOSPEL cannot be sold like merchandise. God's people must
not---do not BEG. Our literature contains the true GOSPEL---the
true LIGHT that God sent into the world by Christ, which the world
rejected. WE DARE NOT PUT A PRICE ON IT. We have nothing to sell!
From the first I've had to RELY SOLELY ON GOD for financial
support. A few business corporations have offered to sponsor my
broadcast and pay the bills---provided I would quit preaching God's
PLAIN TRUTH, and say only what they allowed me to say! Twelve
years ago a large advertising agency offered me a personal salary
of $100,000.00 per year if I would give up God's ministry, and go
on the air five days a week on a large national net-work as a news
analyst, sponsored by one of the great corporations in the food
industry. My wife scolded me reprovingly for even telling her
about the proposition! God's way hasn't been the EASY way---but
we know it's the RIGHT way!
We learned that God does have a few that are His own true
people---and from the first a very few---a very small percent of
the listeners---began to send in their tithes and offerings freely
and unsolicited, to carry on God's precious work, of reaping a
harvest for His eternal Kingdom!
I remember how we got started on the air in Seattle,
Washington---the first time we were able to expand outside of the