hole in the ceiling so they could climb up to their beds in the
attic. They sent us all the money they had saved to finish
building their home. Mrs. Armstrong and I travelled over a hundred
miles to take that money back to them---we felt we simply couldn't
accept it and deprive them of their home. They told us, with tears
in their eyes, they would not take the money back---they couldn't
enjoy the home when they knew it would deprive THOUSANDS of hearing
about an eternal home in God's Kingdom FOREVER over the radio
station this money would buy time on. They insisted the money be
used to expand the broadcast, and assured me that in another year
or so they'd save enough more to finish their own temporary
material home for this world.
I could tell you dozens or heart-touching experiences like
that. But it illustrates how this work has been financed, and kept
FREE to SPEAK OUT with God's truth, without fear or favor!
So here is our policy---which we believe is GOD'S policy. We
do not ask for money over the air---will not permit the announcers
to make any such request. We send no request for money with the
free literature. We DO have a precious family of Co-Workers---but
one must join that family VOLUNTARILY, and not of our urging!
WHO is a "Co-Worker"? If a listener or viewer sends in,
voluntarily, an offering twice inside of six months, we carefully
read the letter, and if the tone of the letter indicates the writer
wants to have a regular part in supporting God's work financially,
he or she is put on our "Co-Worker" list---but if not, they are
left on what we call our "Regular" mailing list---made up of scores
of thousands who have either NEVER sent us any money for the work,
or who may have done so one to three times only. IF they are put
on the "Co-Worker List" a letter is sent, explaining our action,
and explaining that we have done so because Jesus said, "Where your
treasure is, there will your heart be also"---and so we believe
their hearts are in this work. If so, we tell them candidly that
I will send them my regular special "Co-Worker" letters, giving
them inside information about this work, its plans for the future,
its progress, and, when necessary, which seems to be most of the
time, its NEED---even as Moses sent out a proclamation asking
Israel for material help, and as Paul admonished the Christians.
But if we have mistaken their intentions, they are asked to tell us
so, and they will be kept on our "Regular" list to continue
receiving the magazine and other literature without any request for
money. We believe this is GOD'S WAY as we find it in the Bible.
Before closing, may I say sincerely, and from the heart,
THANK YOU for the very great PRIVILEGE of being able to serve you,
on the telecast or broadcast, or by the things that I or colleagues
on our staff have written.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? I've found it TRUE---what Jesus
said---"It's more blessed to GIVE, than to receive!" I feel,
sincerely, it is a far greater privilege God has granted me, in
being able to serve you, and to be His instrument that thru my
voice and pen (or typewriter) you may receive the precious truths
of God, than the privilege He grants you in receiving. WE'RE BOTH