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We have had to go off one super-power radio station on the
DAILY program---XERB, on the Pacific Coast. I hope that by October
we can go back on. We are threatened with having to off XEG and
XELO. There was another telegram today from XELO saying we'll have
to go off unless we can send a big check. We are struggling
desperately to hold on to these stations. We have sent
cancellation notice to the ABC Radio Network. I have instructed
the advertising agency to cancel the great station WLW. We have
tried to cancel WCCO, but they are so far trying to hold us to our
contract, and unless they agree to cancel we may in honor have to
stay on. Our word has to be good---unless they agree to release
So, dear Co-Workers---WHAT CAN I SAY?
Here I am, being FORCED to send this as another URGENT
EMERGENCY LETTER. Let us hope and PRAY that TV will bring so MANY
viewers that we will soon have many thousands of additional
Co-Workers to HELP us hold up this great work financially! I know
you dear Co-Workers have done HEROICALLY in holding up my hands!
Out of THOUSANDS of you, only one wrote a letter criticizing me for
not being able to succeed the first time on TV. This man's letter
was hard, sarcastic, and cruel. But dozens and dozens of you wrote
me how you actually shed tears when you read my last letter, and
ME TO PRESS ON HARDER THAN EVER! This is the greatest mission on
earth! It's by far the MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY on earth! I'm
RE-doubling my efforts! Please PRAY for me! Trying to do 12
programs in four days will be a gruelling ordeal--but this time
I'll know YOU ARE BEHIND ME AND PRAYING FOR ME, and God will give
me strength and vitality and energy and endurance to succeed.
Shooting dates are July 5, 6, 7, and 8th. I'll know you're PRAYING!
And I know you'll keep up YOUR part---with faithful tithes,
and GENEROUS OFFERINGS besides. A few have been responding with
amounts of a thousand dollars or more---GOD BLESS THEM! I hope
there are a few others that can keep responding this way---but
NEVER have smaller offerings, or even the widows' mites been more
sorely needed! This is a truly GREAT work---and it takes ALL of
With love and affection, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S.--REMEMBER, we are planning to STAY ON all RADIO stations
broadcasting our DAILY programs, if God wills.