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joy? Here is just one more evidence of the GREAT HARVEST resulting
from your tithes and offerings in God's work! God Himself is IN
this work!
appreciated your reply to our letters. Since then we have received
the first two Bible Correspondence lessons, and are finding they
are opening up a new avenue of approach to Bible study. There is
so much so-called church tradition taught today, that it is like
having a meal when we really get down to the TRUTH. The Plain
Truth each month is very helpful also, and we are noticing the
truth of the statements made in it. We trust you believe us, we
get great help from your work. May you continue, and the work
expand, is our prayer." (From a husband and wife.)
There are hundreds more, but space doesn't allow me to
reprint more letters for you this time. CO-WORKERS, you are laying
up treasure in heaven, with your sacrifice, your PRAYERS for this
work, your honesty and faithfulness in tithing GOD'S tenth, and
Television is a far bigger, more complex undertaking than
radio. I feel it is now necessary to take you into my confidence,
and to let you know the very INSIDE of plans and procedures.
I am being personally committed, now, to the most intensive
effort, the most arduous, gruelling activity of my whole life.
LISTEN! I simply do not have the physical strength to go thru this
ordeal, without divine help from God. I must have YOUR PRAYERS, or
I won't be able to do it.
And YOU, my dear Co-Workers, are going to have to ask God
for help in order that YOU may work things out so that YOU can put
enough of YOUR PART into this big undertaking, or we shall not
survive this supreme test of our lives!
When I first started on radio, in January, 1934, all I had
to do was have a sermon prepared in my mind, with a few notes, take
a Bible and go to the radio studio---and when the announcer had
announced me, and pointed his finger at me, start talking in front
of a microphone. Of course I had to raise some funds to pay for it
---the sum of $2.50! THAT'S ALL! That's how this work started!
But OH! what a difference, now, going on TV! It is taking
weeks of intensive, feverish activity in thought, in planning, in
scores and scores of details of preparation! In Television, in the
big entertainment shows, the cost of PRODUCTION is equal to, and
often in excess of the cost of time on the stations. The tobacco,
liquor, and cosmetic industries spend all the way from $22,000 to
more than $100,000 on just the PRODUCTION of a net-work TV show,
beside another $35,000 to $100,000 or more for station time! Of
course many million people see it, so the cost per person reached
is very small.