8 in the evening on TV, knowing that after our program ends they
would continue watching worldly entertainment TV shows, or movies,
another two to four hours, which would knock all the precious TRUTH
out of their minds, so that by bed-time they would have FORGOTTEN
God's Message. No, we want to be the very last program people
listen to before turning off TV and going to bed---if possible!
We want people to go to bed THINKING about the vital, all-important
Message we have just given them. If they go to bed thinking about
it, they will wake up thinking about it next day. Then again, at
the hours before 11, in many cases, we would have to compete with
the top entertainment shows such as "I Love Lucy," "Dragnet,"
"Toast of the TOWN," "Groucho Marx," or "What's My Line?" Most
listeners, at these hours, would tune to a competing station for
one of those programs. We would pay the enormous cost, but would
not get the listeners. These are reasons why we are going after
LATER hours on Television instead of costlier earlier hours. Yes,
dear Co-Workers, GOD IS GUIDING US, giving us wisdom, leading the
IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD, we can still reach people by
radio. TV is not so far developed. But the WORLD-WIDE work must
be financed by United States Co-Workers! We believe this CHANGE-
OVER from Sunday Radio to Sunday Television will greatly MULTIPLY
the number of Co-Workers who will join us in this world-wide Gospel
BIG NEWS! I'm overjoyed to announce a NEW radio station
has opened to us---the one great station in SOUTH AFRICA---one of
the British Commonwealth nations. We have waited over two years
for this opportunity. The WORLD TOMORROW is now broadcast locally
in South Africa! GOD HAS NOT DESERTED HIS WORK---have YOU?
FINALLY, and most important of all!
LISTEN CAREFULLY! This is, indeed the very CRISIS HOUR of
the entire life of the work. Television production is not like
radio at all. The production of a TV program is a BIG UNDERTAKING.
The big worldly entertainment shows cost as much for production as
for putting the show, or the film, on the air after produced.
While our Hollywood producers have collaborated with me to work out
an EXTREME ECONOMY way of production, whereby we can produce our
program at less than one-thirtieth the production cost of big
entertainment shows, nevertheless it will require, almost
IMMEDIATELY, an investment of several thousand dollars to get
started, and produce the first of six programs. We must have at
least the first six programs on film BEFORE the first program goes
on the air.
WE DARE NOT cancel our Network radio broadcasting until we
have the TV program actually on the air in a few cities, and some
30 other stations under contract to start the very next Sunday
after we go off the radio Network. We would never be able to even
get on the TV stations we want, otherwise. The Network gives us
the PRESTIGE to get on the desired stations. It is only because we
are on the ABC Network that we were able to get the time on the
Portland TV station. That means that for some three months WE HAVE