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hour are falling off, even while, because of so many new super-
power radio stations broadcasting the program, NEW Co-Workers are
being added more rapidly than ever!
WELL, NOW!---does all this mean that TV itself is an evil
and sinful instrument? Not at all! It merely means a harmful and
sinful USE is being made of it. It merely means that Satan does
recognize that TELEVISION is the most POWERFUL medium for
INFLUENCING PEOPLE ever available on earth! Satan has been wise
and cunning enough to seize on this powerful medium, and put it to
his EVIL use!
TV can and ought to be put to a RIGHTEOUS USE. Until now,
TV has not fitted in with GOD'S PROGRAM of evangelism for The World
Tomorrow. Even now, God is opening THE WAY that this most powerful
medium of all may be used to influence people with HIS TRUTH.
OUR calling, dear Co-Workers, is to WARN this nation---and
the entire WORLD! Not to be drawn into the world's pitfalls and
evils with it! It all boils down to this: UNLESS, very frankly,
enough of you Co-Workers will WAKE UP, realize your sober and God-
given responsibility and wonderful PRIVILEGE of being a Co-Worker
in HIS WORK, this most important activity on earth will fail---and
But if you will shake yourselves out of this lethargy---
(you who have fallen into it)---keep tuning in every night (or day)
to GOD'S PROGRAM, remain loyal and faithful, keep sacrificing---be
honest with God's tithe and generous with your offerings according
to your own ability,---then this work right now is on the very
threshold of a breath-taking LEAP FORWARD in world power and scope
---and this whole world will soon be SHAKEN TO ITS VERY FOUNDATION
Yes, dear Co-Workers, IF we can survive this present
dilemma, we are on the very threshold of a mighty surge of power
that will SHAKE THIS WORLD! The very POWER OF GOD is in His work!
But also, the efforts of YOU and MYSELF must be whole-heartedly IN
God's work in full zeal---for God's way is to work THROUGH human
Here we are at the SUPREME CRISIS OF ALL---the final
turning point! I tell you, dear Co-Workers, your own salvation for
eternity is at stake, right along with the fate of GOD'S WORK! The
two go hand in hand, in a way most of you may not have realized---
because HIS WORK is what God has called us to in preparing us---
developing us---trying and testing us, and TRAINING us, for ETERNAL
LIFE IN HIS KINGDOM! That's GOD'S WAY! He has provided something
for us to DO! If we shirk it, neglect it, let worldly
entertainment and time-wasting appeal to pleasure absorb our time
and our minds and interest, and take us AWAY from whole-hearted
interest and ZEAL for HIS WORK, then we ourselves are LOSING OUT
WITH GOD, drifting away from Him---and we are causing His glorious
work to fail!
Dear Co-Workers, will you take this SERIOUSLY? Will you go
to a private place, close the door, and PRAY over this---PRAY