Until we did this, we were reaching only those areas where
about HALF the people of the U.S. live---tho it was MOST of the
geographical area. A year ago October God opened another "door"
---the ABC Network. This opened up many radio stations in the
densely-populated EAST---the middle and north Atlantic states, and
the eastern part of the middle-west.
However, it takes a LONG TIME, when people hear the program
once a week only, before we have enough Co-Workers even to pay for
the broadcast time. IT IS THE EVERY-NIGHT BROADCASTS that get the
TRUE Message over to people so forcibly, and SO OFTEN, that new
Co-WorKers are brought in faster. So, this past December, God
opened still another mighty "door,"---EVERY-night broadcasts on the
super-power northern and eastern stations WLS, and WWVA.
THIS MEANS that the hundreds of thousands of NEW listeners
attracted by the Sunday program on the Network NOW can hear the
EVERY-DAY program as well. Those in the east, and the north and
middle-Atlantic states can hear it on WWVA. They CANNOT hear XEG
or XELO in that most populous territory. Those in the middle-west,
and all over the country, can hear WLS.
BUT,---and LISTEN!---these two stations EVERY NIGHT (except
Saturday) cost two thirds as much as the entire network. Actually,
in terms of money to be RECEIVED from NEW CO-WORKERS, to help us
finance this great work, they will produce a great deal more---and
do it in one-fourth the time! THE ONE THING THAT WILL BUILD THIS
Now, temporarily, THAT means ANOTHER TIGHT SQUEEZE for the
present. But, my dear fellow-workers for Christ, it is the only
way that we can build up our family of Co-Workers large enough to
carry out Jesus' divine Commission---to take His Message to ALL
Once again the receipt of tithes and offerings is dropping
off ALARMINGLY! Once again I have to tell you the situation is
serious---yes, DESPERATE! Once again I have to ask you to dig down
deeper---to sacrifice further---to rally to the cause---to send the
very LARGEST sum you can in the very first possible mail!
REMEMBER!---if you are one of the many who do not have
large sums to send, even the widows' mites are of tremendous help.
Don't ever get to thinking that if a dollar or two is all you have
to send, it is too small.
UNDERSTAND THIS: Without these "widows' mites" there would
not be enough of the larger amounts to carry on this great work!
Many, I know, even in prosperous America, are unable to send more,
because you don't have more. Don't ever think it is too small!
Without these amounts of $20, $50, or $75 coming in regularly from
those in fairly moderate circumstances, THIS WORK WOULD SOON STOP.
And, without those much fewer amounts of $100 to $500, we could not
carry on. And, last but far from least, without the occasional
sums of $1,000, $3,000 or more from those few who are able, there
never seem to be enough of the smaller amounts to carry on God's
great work.