narrow is the gate, and hard, rutty, full of pit-falls, trials,
troubles, is the road that leads to LIFE, and FEW, said Jesus, are
able to find it and continue thereon. It is only those that ENDURE
unto the END, said Jesus, who shall be saved. "Many are the
afflictions of the righteous," says God, "but the Eternal delivers
him out of them all." (Psalm 34:19). Yes, God's work has
encountered many desperate situations---but repeatedly God has
delivered us out of them all!
WHY does God set before us a constant struggle? Because it
is for OUR GOOD! Because this is the very training ground of
FAITH, and of PATIENCE, and of ENDURANCE, and of strength of
character! WHY do I have to continually write you Co-Workers, and
literally PREACH to you about your duty to God's work in these
letters? Because so many of our Co-Workers forget, put off, or let
down in their part in God's work. Because of this negligence by so
many, (maybe not you) God's minister has to remind God's people.
That is GOD'S WAY. Always God's ministers have been charged with
the duty of continually preaching God's WAY to His people---of
reproving, rebuking, admonishing, instructing the people in their
duty. (See II Tim. 4:1-2, and many other Scriptures.) Moses had
to ask God's people of that day for their liberal contributions.
The Apostle Paul had to ask God's people of his day, and instruct
them in tithing and in GIVING. I can assure you, dear brethren and
Co-Workers, it is not a pleasant duty for ME---but I have to do it.
Would you like to be in my place?
By its very nature, God's work must keep on growing! Like
the grain of mustard seed it started as perhaps the smallest
religious work on earth today. All works of religion are not GOD'S
work. But this work has proved, by its fruits, to be the very work
of GOD! It's the most important activity on earth today.
Jesus said this Gospel of GOD'S KINGDOM shall be preached
unto the world as a witness to ALL NATIONS before the END OF THIS
WORLD. Already it reaches around the world---but we are still FAR
from reaching every nation.
Now let me explain our present TURNING POINT!
No other nation on earth today could finance such a huge
undertaking, except the United States. I want you to understand
this. WHY do you suppose God raised up His work here in America?
The ancient BIRTHRIGHT went to Ephraim and Manasseh jointly at
first, but primarily to Ephraim. We are actually Manasseh today
---the British are the BIRTHRIGHT nation, Ephraim. (If you don't
understand this, by all means write in immediately for our free
booklet, "United States in Prophecy.")
Now WHY didn't God raise up His great work for these last
days over in England? There is one very practical REASON. God
KEPT His great unconditional Birthright promise---He MADE Britain
and America the wealthiest, richest nations of all earth's history.
But today we are very near the END of this age. Already the
British---who came up to world dominance and economic prosperity
first,---have reached and passed their zenith of national
prosperity. Now the British are on the decline, both in world