Box 111
February, 1955
Dear Brethren:
I want to THANK you, most sincerely, for your prompt and
generous response to my appeal for special funds to finish the
local church auditorium (at the rear of the large main auditorium)
in the Tabernacle at Gladewater, Texas.
I do not feel that I ought to make any special appeal for
these funds to our large number of Co-Workers who are not actually
members. Many of them are members of various churches and
denominations, who do not as yet fully realize ALL the truth, but
nevertheless are interested in the "World Tomorrow" broadcast and
The PLAIN TRUTH, and are helping us to support it. Perhaps you
have never realized it, but about 90% of all the money it takes
to carry on this great, vast, world-wide work of God is being
supplied by just such people, who are not themselves members of
God's true Church. They do not attend any of the festivals at the
Tabernacle. When I continually appealed to them for special
offerings for the Tabernacle year before last, some of them
resented it, and some may have stopped supporting the radio and
publishing work as a result.
I felt you ought to know this---to realize that God is laying
it on the hearts of many not actually in His church---at least as
yet---to help finance His work---and also to know that I can now
appeal only to you MEMBERS, who constitute only a small part of our
Co-Workers, to finish this work on the Tabernacle.
That means WE FEW must make EXTRA SACRIFICE to get the
Tabernacle completed, since there are so few of us, comparatively.
When I consider the comparative small number of us, the response to
my last appeal was very gratifying---and I want you to know how
grateful I am at your generous response. About $6,000 came in. It
was enough to get the work started---but not enough to complete
even that one room.
The big part of the expense is the stone, which will form the
entire rear wall of this room, the large fireplace which will be
built on the opposite side of this wall, in the great lounge room
to be built later, and the chimney, 12 feet wide and 6 feet deep,
that will protrude up thru the roof. Also the entire outside wall
along the entrance porch is to be built of this stone, beside two
3-feet square pillars that support the porch. This stone is the
one real architectural touch that will add the final grace and
beauty to the building, and give it that atmosphere of solidity
and permanence.
We have decided to build this of the very finest stone we can
procure. While it costs more, the cost is only some $600 or $700
more, on a total cost of some $3,500 worth, than much inferior
stone. The entire structure is costing more than $100,000---it is
the largest building in the country---and the architect felt, and