pressure on NBC stations against broadcasting our program ten years
ago---called their Hollywood representative and asked him to
contact our advertising agency and notify us that they expect soon,
after the first of the year, to open up good time for "THE WORLD
TOMORROW" program, on some of their top-ranking stations, including
WNBC, New York, and KNBC, San Francisco. Of course we already have
very powerful stations in those cities on the ABC Network---but the
very FACT we are on this major network is the one thing that has
made our program DESIRABLE to the biggest, most powerful stations
in this nation. Such stations as KOA, Denver, WOAI, San Antonio,
WTAM, Cleveland, KOB, Albuquerque, N.Mex.,---all super-power
50,000-watt stations among the nation's most top-level stations,
have directly or tentatively offered to open their doors to us, and
possibly KMOX, St. Louis.
Now, Co-Workers, one thing I must explain. You probably
know that Television has cut in very severely on radio. Actually,
probably only 40% or 45% as many people listen to radio---or,
rather, they listen only 40% as OFTEN or as MUCH to radio, as
formerly. But this does not mean we cannot reach people by radio
any more. It only means it takes us TWICE AS LONG to build up a
listening audience. People who become really INTERESTED in God's
mighty message on The WORLD TOMORROW do still tune in their radio
sets, even if they do not listen to any other program. We know
that. But, so far, Television is not a suitable medium for our
purpose. Television costs, with production cost, about FIFTEEN
TIMES as much as radio, and gives a concentrated audience in a VERY
SMALL AREA. TV does not reach out far. It reaches only LOCAL
neighborhoods, whereas our program calls for reaching the WHOLE
NATION, and the WHOLE WORLD. A Coast-to-Coast TV network would
cost, with production, between $35,000 and $50,000 EVERY WEEK.
Later---perhaps another year---we may try out Television in two or
three cities, such as perhaps Portland, Oregon, Tacoma or Seattle,
Washington, or San Antonio, Texas. We must realize that we can no
longer reach 2,000 people on radio with every dollar you send in.
We simply have to realize it---THAT'S ONE REASON WE ALL HAVE TO
costing us more than it did three or four years ago to reach two
thousand people---probably about $2, today. It means that where we
formerly put $1 into God's work, we now must put in at least $2, in
order to accomplish as much. Where we formerly put in $20, we now
must put in $40 or $50. These are the conditions of the time. BUT
Now, for OTHER NATIONS! Here's BIG NEWS! Most of you
probably read "The READER'S DIGEST," at least once in a while. It
is the largest circulated magazine on earth. What you may not know
is this: They publish more than THIRTY different editions, in 14
different languages, with huge circulations in most of the nations
of the earth. And in all foreign lands, THEY OPEN THEIR PAGES TO
reaches hundreds of thousands in South America and in Spain. Their
Swedish edition, in Swedish language, reaches the people of Sweden.
Their Japanese edition reaches all Japan in their own language. So
far we are training men to preach in four languages, English,
French, German, and Spanish. We have no way to preach, over the