The work was SAVED!
This hour, now, is our DANGER hour! Once again we face the
supreme CRISIS. How you---ALL of you---respond to this letter will
determine whether, after all these years of growth and progress,
this greatest work on earth must now STOP, or whether it is now to
take still another LEAP FORWARD! God is now opening NEW DOORS for
thundering HIS MESSAGE to the world, and He expects us to follow
where He leads. But we are unable to take advantage of these
opportunities or start thru these doors, because of lack of money.
If we had the money we could now---very soon, in all probability
put God's Message on the great super-power WLS, Chicago, at the
BEST hour, 8:30 every night but Saturday, the year around! THINK
of it! THAT is probably the most valuable station, for us, in all
the United States---and THE DOOR IS OPEN! But we cannot go ahead
---because of lack of money. We have plans to send out God's
Message for this hour by using space ordinarily used for
advertising, in many of the nation's leading farm journals, and
other such magazines. LACK OF MONEY PREVENTS, altho God has opened
the door! The largest circulation of any magazine on earth is the
Reader's Digest. It circulates ALL OVER THE WORLD, and is
published in some 15 different languages. In all other nations
except the United States, they accept advertising. And our
advertising agent had informed me that THEY HAVE OPENED THE DOOR to
us, to permit us to use space ordinarily used for commercial
advertising, to PROCLAIM GOD'S MESSAGE around the world! Jesus
said, (Mark 13:10-A.V.) that HIS Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD must
be PUBLISHED to all nations, as well as PREACHED (Mat. 24:14). God
is opening these great and mighty doors! Are we Co-Workers going
to be "dull of hearing," and asleep to the DANGER, and the glorious
This present condition has again sent me to my knees! I am
beseeching God, pouring out my heart to Him, to lay this burden on
EVERYONE OF YOU, along with me, that we may RISE to this challenge
and meet it!
I have to ask you, IN JESUS' NAME, to go now TO YOUR KNEES,
and to pray, from the bottom of your heart, and with earnestness,
and continually and prevailingly, that the work may be saved!
I must ask EVERY ONE of you, as I did six years ago, to
send in at least the widow's TWO MITES---a veritable DOWNPOUR of
two-dollar offerings---in addition to your tithes and as GENEROUS
a gift for Christ as you are able to give---even up to several
thousand dollars. I am PRAYING FOR ANOTHER MIRACLE---and I ask you
to pray for it with me!
And REMEMBER--- we must KEEP AT IT, week after week. We
can never let up, until Christ comes. "He that endureth UNTO THE
END, shall be saved"---so said Jesus Christ! Open your hearts---
open your purses and your bank accounts, as you never did before!
Give the BIGGEST GIFT you ever gave to CHRIST in this DANGER-hour
of crisis!
God bless you---your reward in His Kingdom will be GREAT!