HUNGER FOR GOD'S TRUTH, and His SPIRIT which He gives only to those
that OBEY Him---whose lives He can totally CHANGE and GOVERN.
I learned that your dollars and GOD'S TITHE sent in by you,
has actually been (with my voice on the air, and the printed Word
from our office) bringing scores over there to heart-felt
REPENTANCE, to the true KNOWLEDGE of Jesus Christ and His Gospel---
CHANGING THEIR LIVES! Oh, how I wish YOU could have been there,
and seen the hundreds who crowded in at our meetings in England,
Ireland, and Scotland, and have seen their beaming, eager faces,
and experienced the WARMTH of their hearts, and the inspiration of
their JOY in this new-found TRUTH of GOD!
I want to quote to you, here, a letter received from the
very first one to be baptized in Britain. She wrote this the night
of the very day we were there, and we received it in London before
sailing for the United States. Here is her letter:
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong: I feel I cannot let today go
by without writing to you. It is very late, and I cannot post this
letter until morning, but whilst it is quiet and the others are
fast asleep I have come downstairs to write it. You see for months
I have been groping for the truth. It has been my constant prayer
that God would reveal it to me. I was beginning to have doubts
about my own convictions, and wondering if they were the will of
God. We attended the meeting at Manchester, and my husband said he
thought Mr. Armstrong was right, but he still was not sure about
some things. Then strangely, my doubts increased. I took my Bible
to bed with me last night, and my last prayer was, 'Lord, show me
the way,' and the words ran through my mind, 'I am the Way, the
Truth, and the Light,' so I opened my Bible at the New Testament
and read from Acts, Galatians, Peter, and Matthew. When I read the
28th verse of the 16th chapter of Matthew, I just could not under-
stand it, and I read it over and over again. I wondered if Mr.
Armstrong would be able to explain it, and wondered how I would be
able to get to London to speak to him. Then I fell asleep. My
husband must have got up and gone to work without waking me, which
is unusual; because when I woke up the door bell was ringing and it
was quite late. I dressed hurriedly and ran downstairs and opened
the door---and you were there! I could hardly believe it at first,
and felt so ashamed to have still been in bed and not to have had
the housework done, but my joy was greater. It is so marvelous to
think that God who is so great and wonderful should so wonderfully
have answered the prayers of a person like me who was so weak and
full of sin, and less than a grain of dust, and given me peace and
understanding. For what you have done, thank you, Most Sincerely,
Edna Palin."
You may look up the Scripture that has puzzled her, in your
Bible. She went to sleep praying for the true explanation
wondering how she could go clear to London---half way across
England---to see whether I could explain it. And the very next
thing she knew, she was awakened by our ringing her doorbell! Of
course I was able to show her where THE BIBLE ITSELF interprets the
meaning of this verse. I merely asked her to read right on. So
when she read on thru the next verses, she found the truth
explained there, especially in verse 9.