the ABC Network stations, which reaches all eastern Canada as well
as New York state and New England, at 8:00 P.M. Sundays. Even
first-time listeners are so moved by this dynamic message that they
become regular listeners. Co-Workers, we MUST NOT go off this
powerful 50,000-watt station or the others on this great net-work.
We even receive letters as far south as South Carolina from this
From Manitoba, Canada: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Your wonderful
program is just over for another Sunday, and I must say it is one
of the brightest spots of my week. During the winter months we can
get your broadcast from KFGO (Fargo, N. Dak.---an ABC Network
station, releasing the program at 6:30 Sunday evening, which is
after dark in winter) as clearly as we get our Winnipeg radio
stations. I've listened to your program all winter, and have been
continually amazed and delighted with it, since you have cleared up
many questions regarding the Bible which have puzzled me. While
visiting us here my father listened to your program, and was very
much interested. He would like to know what station he could catch
it over when he returns to Vancouver, B.C. Would you please send
me The PLAIN TRUTH?---it would be much appreciated. I must not
forget to tell you how much I like to hear your daughter singing.
May God give you the strength and courage to continue broadcasting
His Truth." The program can be heard in Vancouver, B.C. over KVI,
Seattle, 570 on the dial, 10:30 P.M. Sundays. CO-WORKERS! May we
join her prayer that we may continue this powerful net-work broad-
From the Isle of Wight, in the English Channel, a woman
listener writes: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thank you for The PLAIN
TRUTH magazines that have been coming to me since the April number.
Through some mistake two copies have been sent me each time. But
the Lord has blessed each second copy and I was able to pass it on,
and loan my copy, to hungry souls. The spare "Key to Revelation"
was avidly received by a minister of a London Baptist church, here
on the island for the evening to speak. Needless to say we who are
interested in these things of God just revel in your magazine, as
we are able at our own leisure to turn up its copious references.
I listened again last night and was blessed again. May the Eternal
continue to bless your ministry." Co-Workers, notice how hungry
for the truth the people are overseas. How our hearts THRILL at
reading these letters from eager, interested listeners overseas!
YOUR generous offerings, and God's tithes, make it possible!
From half way around the world, in far-away Malaya, just
south of the scene of the war between Communists and French troops,
this heart-warming letter has come: "Dear Sir; In accordance with
your invitation over the radio, I shall be grateful if you will
send me a copy of your magazine. We are living in an area well
known for its Communist terrorist incidents, but we are confident
that we are here in the Lord's will, therefore nothing can befall
us, apart from His direction. We get your broadcast very clearly
from Radio Ceylon on Wednesday evenings. Last night we had six
service lads over for dinner. They are living in tents about «
mile away, and do not have much in the way of material comforts---
and your broadcast came in clearly whilst awaiting dinner. We
trust and pray that your message may reach their hearts. We are