accompanied, perhaps, with one of our senior students or one of my
own sons--please drop me a line in the enclosed self-addressed
envelope. It probably would be most convenient for them to call in
the evening--or on a Tuesday afternoon or a Sunday.
One thing I want to emphasize. If these men call on you, you
will not in any manner be pressured to "join" anything, or "give
your heart to the Lord," or to do anything whatsoever. I'm sure
you know that all such practice is contrary to the teaching of
Christ and of the Bible, and we do not follow any such modern
customs. If they call on you, they are coming to SERVE, and to
MINISTER. and HELP, and for no other purpose. However, if God has
revealed to you that this IS the true work of God, and you realize
the need of a better understanding and closer relationship, it is
important that you answer this letter.
I am very grateful beyond words for your part, as a co-worker,
in God's great work, and I hope that in this way we may be brought
closer together.
Most sincerely,
Herbert W. Armstrong