programme. We hear many religious programmes but we honestly
believe that the 'World Tomorrow" is the "Tops" for sincerity and
interest. I am sure, Sir, that the 'World Tomorrow' is bringing
more souls to Christ than any of the other religious programmes,
and certainly more than the established churches in Great Britain.
The Plain Truth is quite definitely the most forthright and down to
earth magazine I have ever read. It sets out your message so
clearly and distinctly and I only wish I could assist you with a
contribution. But as you know, the Chancellor of the Exchequer
forbids sending money out of the country. Well, Mr. Armstrong, I
hope you will have many such letters as mine from Great Britain and
the rest of Europe; don't ever take your programme from Radio
Luxembourg--it is needed here as everywhere."
Here is another letter form Denmark: "Dear Mr. Armstrong,
Yesterday I tuned in to your broadcast over Radio Luxembourg. Your
powerful message attracted me, and as it was new thought for me,
the wish arose in my heart to study those thoughts a little closer.
Therefore, I was happy that you later on offered a little book
written by you which I should be very glad to read. I must say
that your message interested me very much and I am looking forward
to being better acquainted with you through the printed page. Your
talk yesterday was very powerful and inspiring."
Here is another letter from a minister in Manchester,
England. "My Dear Brethren. I am so pleased to receive 'The Plain
Truth.' It is certainly very true, and so needed in these closing
days, when men's hearts are 'failing for fear of what is coming on
earth.' I am interested too in 'How Did This World's Religions
Begin?' (Jan. issue Plain Truth.)
Here is another from Cheshire, England: "Dear Brother
Armstrong. Today I received my copy of 'The Plain Truth' and if
ever a title was appropriate to a subject then this magazine is
rightly titled. What an asset to the study of the Bible and man's
trend today! I realize the publication of such a splendid work
costs money, but we are unable to send money out of this country.
Your magazine is much too valuable to the study of the Bible to
risk missing any part of the series, or better still of the 'Plain
Truth.' It is, therefore, with the greatest sincerity and appeal
that I ask my name be place on your mailing list for supply of any
literature connected with the truths of the Bible."
Brethren,I believe you can see from these few letters just
how great the need for God's TRUTH is, overseas. Certainly the
mission that God has called us all to--preaching His word to the
nations of the earth--is a job in which we must never grow lax or
forget with our prayers, tithes and offerings.
There are THOUSANDS OF PRECIOUS SOULS just such as these
who yearn for God's Truth, and are able to receive it only as God
lays it on the hearts of the people just such as yourself to help
in YOUR part of HIS ministry--a need that these people in England
and Europe cannot supply because of Government regulations.
This work is growing greater than ever at such an amazing
pace that we now know the time of the end is drawing close at hand.