from Formosa! This is the greatest work on earth---becoming the
most powerful VOICE on earth, proclaiming GOD'S MESSAGE just as
Jesus Christ taught it!
Can we quit now, after going along FOUR MONTHS, when in
just another three months new co-workers will ease our burden, and
in six to nine more months we will be PAST this tight squeeze?
Co-Workers, even if you have to LOAN a large sum you don't feel
free to give to God's work, I feel we must accept ANYTHING rather
than quit now---when in just a few months we shall be THRU this
tight squeeze!
I say to you in Christ's name, we can, we MUST,---WE WILL!
Please go immediately now to a place of prayer. Let us unitedly
lift up our voices in a BELIEVING petition to God---let EACH of us
do MORE than ever before---and besides, try to send even an EXTRA
couple of dollars at least a couple times a month, besides our
tithes and larger offerings. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS BIG NOW. I know
some of you have already done all you could---GOD BLESS YOU! But
even you who have, can PRAY as never before that God will stir
others who have sent in nothing, or who can send more. NEVER did
we need large sums so desperately. Never did every single dollar
mean so much.
Dear Co-Workers, there's nothing more I can say. Now I'm
going to quit writing, and go and PRAY!---and in Jesus' name I ask
you to join me in prayer and in continuous sacrifice these next few
months. God bless you!
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong