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My co-workers, and brethren, this is not our work--- this is the
WORK OF GOD! God is using us! All this means that TIME IS SHORT!
The END OF THIS WORLD is much nearer than we supposed! How can God
use us in His glorious work, carrying His Gospel arounD the whole
earth, to ALL NATIONS, unless we STIR ourselves,---unless we PRAY
more than we have been doing---unless we are willing to MAKE
SACRIFICES, not only the sacrifice of prayer, but also of money,
Finally, dear Co-Workers, I have to say as I did in my
letter of December 18th last, PLEASE, in Jesus' name, take this at
once to heart, and to a private place of PRAYER! We must again ask
God to give us strength and courage and FAITH to go on! We dare
not falter! We must each do our own part to the very utmost, and
keep on doing it WEEK BY WEEK! I know that hundreds and thousands
of you did pray earnestly about it then. The response showed it.
But the response has also shown that hundreds of us have been
NEGLECTING to pray over this during the past two or three weeks!
I am working SO HARD, myself, to do my part in God's
work, and more than anything else I could desire, it is to hear the
voice of Jesus say to me, when He comes, "WELL DONE, good and
faithful servant!" And I pray I may hear God say those same words
to you! This most recent financial slump has driven me continually
to my knees---but dear Co-Workers, I NEED YOU TO PRAY WITH ME, and
if we unitedly cry out to God, and put our HEARTS into our prayers,
and thus show God that we are IN EARNEST about wanting to be His
servants, thru whom He carries on His great work, God will move on
those who are able to respond---and will cause SO MANY co-workers
to respond so generously---that there will be enough money for
every need.
Already new co-workers from the powerful net-work
broadcast are beginning to join you. The present trend indicates
that in three more months the NEW listeners from the net-work will
be paying half the cost of the net-work broadcast, and by next fall
we will have enough new co-workers to carry ALL the additional
But I'll have to cancel out the net-work UNLESS THE
me! Sacrifice with me! GOD BLESS YOU FOR IT!
In Jesus' precious name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
Starting February 14, 9:30 Sunday morning,
on the ABC net-work, station KRMG, Tulsa,
50,000 watts, 740 on the dial.
The immediate financial situation of God's Work is so
desperate, that in prayer God has put an idea in my mind I must add
as a post-script to this letter.