under your preaching earnestly strive to be each a jewel in the
Master's crown. Before I conclude my letter, Brother Armstrong, I
wish you to convey my profound thanks to Miss Armstrong for her
services in the noble work in which she takes part. Miss Armstrong
possesses a voice which I think is unique. May God bless her.
Both my sister and I do enjoy your messages. Your and His servant,
John Sutherlans."
My, aren't those wonderful letters, dear Co-Workers! If
you have sacrificed of your money to make it possible to bring
God's precious Message into their homes over in England and
Scotland (and many more from Wales, Ireland, Germany, France,
Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and
even Africa, which we cannot take space to print), and they have
been helped, enlightened, and inspired, surely WE over here in
America should be inspired in return by these moving letters from
our British and Scottish cousins from overseas!
This Scottish brother calls Beverly "Miss Armstrong," and
perhaps I should explain that she ceased to be "Miss Armstrong,"
and became "Mrs. Gott," several years ago, and is the mother of
FOUR of our very fine grand-children. And let me also add here
that Beverly is doing a job of which I am proud. She does her own
housework, cooks for a family of six, has made a splendid and
successful wife and mother, and in addition has found time to
devote many hours each week to her music, and in one short year she
has learned and sung for you listeners more than 70 different solos
and arias, many of which are very difficult and written by the
world's greatest master composers. Very few singers have ever
learned so many solos of that quality in so short a time. Mrs.
Armstrong has to help by keeping these four grandchildren of ours
often, while Beverly rehearses and sings---but it's all a labor of
love, and I'm mighty grateful to God that He has called Beverly,
and our two sons, our two sons-in-law, and my wife into His active
service. They are all of them putting their full zeal, almost
night and day, into God's work along with me.
But it takes ALL our great family of Co-Workers, not just
my personal family, to carry on this tremendous work of God. It is
now rapidly stretching to the far flung corners of this whole
Just as I finished writing the above sentence, news came
I have just hung up the telephone from a long-distance
talk with the New York radio station representatives.
Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek has approved the use of the super-
power government station, "VOICE OF FREE CHINA," on Formosa, for us
to broadcast God's Message thru the Iron Curtain, and all over
Communist China.
Think what this means! There are more people in China
than in any other nation on earth---more than 450 MILLION PEOPLE!
When the Communists swept thru China, and Chiang Kai Shek and his
government were forced to flee to the island of Formosa, they