some things we have planned, SEND IN MORE MONEY FOR THE WORK OF
NEVER before were the one and two-dollar offerings of
those who do not have larger amounts, so badly needed. Those of
you who have thought the little you had would not be enough to
help---SEND WHAT GOD HAS MADE POSSIBLE, little or big. Little
amounts count up. Those of you who have not sent anything for
God's cause recently, send what YOU can---that will be an INCREASE
which God's work needs. Those of you who have been sending small
amounts regularly---can't you send a little more by sacrificing
something else? Those who have sent in regular tithes---God
commands us to give offerings ALSO---and GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL
GIVER! Can't YOU send in LARGER amounts? It is only by ALL OF US
WORKING TOGETHER, each according as God has prospered and made
possible---some with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, some
who don't have so much, even the widow's mites---but ALL TOGETHER,
each doing his BEST---it is only thru this combined work of ALL
that God's work can now KEEP FORGING ON AHEAD, as God Himself opens
the way before us! *** NOTHING ELSE COUNTS TODAY! We must AROUSE
ourselves, and rally to this great need!
The PLAIN TRUTH has been greatly delayed by lack of
sufficient funds. We are not yet back on week-nights on XEG---but
still SUNDAYS ONLY, at 8:30 Sunday nights. WON'T YOU ALL PRAY---
further delay again OPEN THIS DOOR for every night broadcasting?
Meanwhile, tune in XELO, 800 on dial, 8 o'clock Mountain time, 9
P.M. Central time, every night.
God bless you all---I know you'll take this to
heart---PRAY WITH ME---and really pour out your heart to God about
it---and do your own part to your utmost!
And THANK YOU, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong