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allowed on the air except the various governments' own programs
---and almost wholly political PROPAGANDA. The Radio door was
CLOSED TOTALLY. The advertising columns of the newspapers and
magazines were CLOSED,---except for little want ads! I then
decided we would have to use want-ads when we were ready to carry
the Gospel to Europe!
But WE WERE NOT YET READY! The work had not grown large
enough to undertake spreading the Message to Europe until the
beginning of 1953---the BEGINNING OF THE NEW CYCLE! And when WE
were at last ready, what did we find? Why, WE FOUND GOD HAD OPENED
Since we were in Europe, the great super-power radio
stations of Radio Luxembourg had been established! Luxembourg is
a little tiny nation adjoining France, Germany, and Belgium. And
in that little independent nation was erected THE MOST POWERFUL
RADIO STATION IN ALL EUROPE! Actually, it is several stations on
different bands, but each one of 150,000 watts of power. To us,
the SMALLEST group of God's true people that has ever existed---
having almost NO power or strength of our own to carry on THE
GREATEST WORK ON EARTH, God has laid upon us HIS WORK. He says to
us: "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an OPEN DOOR,
and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength (ONLY), and
SOON." (Rev. 3:8-11).
Co-Workers, may GOD OPEN YOUR EYES to the solemn
significance of all this!
TIME IS SHORT! We need to WAKE UP! God has opened the
door---given us the use of the most powerful instrumentalities ever
invented for COMMUNICATING His Message to the world! We are small,
few in number, having but little strength of our own. Yet GOD is
doing a mighty, and a great, and a POWERFUL work thru us!
And yet, many of us seem to LET DOWN, and grow slack in
supporting this great and glorious work. ONCE AGAIN THE RECEIPT OF
MONEY IS FALLING OFF! Once again, the situation seems ALARMING!
I need your immediate and MOST GENEROUS RESPONSE! Do you know WHY
it is such a difficult financial struggle to conduct God's work?
It is because THOUSANDS of you Co-Workers who may be poor
financially, and have but a little, get to thinking that your
little---perhaps only a dollar or two---would not be big enough to
help. It is BECAUSE so many of you who can't send more are failing
to send in your widow's mites that this glorious work of God often
faces a crisis. Of course that makes it all the more necessary for
those of you who CAN to send in large offerings---$50, or $100, or
$1,000 or more. It is the FAITHFUL TITHE-payers among you, and
those who send in generous amounts when you are able, that keeps
tiding this work over.
THE TABERNACLE: God commanded us to FEED HIS SHEEP, as
well as to proclaim His Gospel to the world. It is NECESSARY that
we have a place to assemble and OBEY GOD by keeping His appointed
festivals. And there are SO MANY who do attend these festivals
we are having to build a tabernacle that will seat 1300 people. If