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Analyses Today's News, with the
Box 111, Pasadena,California
The P L A I N T R U T H
May 22nd, 1953
My Dear Co-Worker Family:
Again, GREETINGS! in Jesus' name.
Time races on! Every day brings new developments. Every
day, now, is vitally important! The very next prophesied world-
shaking event is speeding toward reality. That is the resurrected
ROMAN EMPIRE---a UNITED EUROPE that shall plunge the world into the
frightful HYDROGEN-bomb World War III!
But do you know what is prophesied for RIGHT NOW?
This is startling---but it's true! The one and ONLY
world event in Bible prophecy for NOW, just prior to World War III,
is this great work God is doing thru you and me! THIS is what's
prophesied for RIGHT NOW! THIS is the world event carrying out
God's Plan during this present apparent lull in chaos!
World War 3 brings with it THE GREAT TRIBULATION. That
is now next in order. But Jesus, in foretelling this chain of
world events, said the GREAT TRIBULATION would be preceded by the
world-wide proclaiming of HIS Gospel. "The GOSPEL must first be
published among all nations," said Jesus (Mark 13:10), or, as
recorded by Matthew (24:14): "This Gospel OF THE KINGDOM shall be
preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN
shall the END (of the world) come."
This Gospel has not been proclaimed to the world for more
than 1800 years! It was gradually submerged beneath an avalanche
of pagan doctrines and customs within the first hundred years after
Christ. It is a COUNTERFEIT Gospel---a gospel of MEN about Christ
---which has been substituted and proclaimed to the world! Today
THE WHOLE WORLD IS DECEIVED (Rev. 17:2 and 18:3).
Just as prophesied, the world has been turned unto FABLES
(II Tim. 4:4). It has much of the FORM of godliness, but denies
the real POWER of God (II Tim. 3:5). It is filled with churches,
which send hundreds of "missionaries" into foreign lands, telling
people ABOUT Christ. Yet His Message, the Good News of THE KINGDOM
OF GOD, they deny. The TRUE gospel they oppose. The world has
been deceived by a COUNTERFEIT!
This is all as prophesied. The one TRUE Church of God
has been scattered. It is not a great and powerful organization
having political power and prestige in the world. It is the