propertiesÄÄÄthanks to a fine young couple recently converted in
Kansas, who sent a special offering of $2,000 for this property.
Their telegram to the Pasadena headquarters telling of their
decision to give this $2,000 came the very day the owners came to
their final agreementÄÄÄthe exact day it was needed to close the
deal! Before we left Gladewater, this young couple with their
little daughter arrived in Gladewater and I baptized them, and they
were able to see the fine properties we bought, and go thru the
Yes, GOD is surely blessing HIS work in every way! How
THANKFULÄÄÄhow GRATEFUL we all should be! I asked Brother Roy
Hammer of Gladewater to take over the supervision of the project
there locally, and under his direction the beautifully wooded,
sloping grounds are being rapidly cleared of the thick underbrush
and growth that had sprung up, leaving just the fine, large shade
trees, and such smaller trees and shrubs as should be left to
beautify the grounds.
I am to meet with our architect tomorrow morning, to make
preliminary plans toward the tabernacle and combination church and
schoolhouse we shall build there. We now expect at least a few
hundred to attend the Spring Festival there next spring. We hope
to have a large temporary tabernacle, large enough to seat, and
also feed, this crowd, completed by that time. WORK MUST START ON
IT VERY SOON. I do not know yet what it will cost. We shall of
course use the lowest-cost construction that is consistent, and the
main pavilion will probably be a semi-outdoor affair, since the
festival to be held there every spring comes in a season when we
will need little or no heat, and neither will the weather at that
season be excessively hot. However, the schoolhouse and church
will have to be a little more permanent, so it can be heated in the
winter and kept reasonably cool in the heat of summer. The
architect thinks he can work out a plan so the church and the
school can use the same building and rooms, so the building will
serve both purposes, and also part of the space needed for the
spring festival. My own rough calculation indicates the cost
cannot be less that $20,000 or $25,000 at the very least, and it
may run more, for we must accommodate several hundred every spring.
Now we have left, in our special fund for this Gladewater
project, a little more than $2,500 cash. Already some $400 has
been spent on clearing, and getting the grounds in shape, and I
understand they are beginning to look very beautiful. I am very
thankful we were able to purchase the ground without buying on
time, and going into debt. I WANT TO BUILD THIS TABERNACLE THE
THOUSAND DOLLARS MORE, as rapidly as you can keep it coming. So
dear Co-Workers, DON'T SLACKEN on this special project. It is MOST
IMPORTANT. What a wonderful thing it will be to have such a place
of our very own for this great spring conclave where we can all
meet together for eight days. 123 came this past spring from 13
states. Next year I expect to see 400 or 500 at least, and where
it will grow to I have no idea, now. At least two dozen families
have written about moving there, so they can have regular fellow-
ship in God's own church there, and put their children in our
own school, which we hope to start there September of NEXT year,