us with a good Christian girl whose heart is in this work, and
who is taking hold of the office work in splendid shape. Since,
we have added another girl. Both can type, but neither can take
shorthand. The only solution for answering letters was to install
dictaphones. With them I can dictate letters as rapidly as I can
talk, even when away on trips. The way opened for us to secure a
second-hand addressing machine at one-seventh its actual value. We
had to add another typewriter. To make a long story short, we are
now equipped and organized in the office to handle all the mail and
names for the mailing list that come in, no matter how many radio
stations we are able to add---that is, this can be done by adding
later whatever help is necessary in the office. This office
"bottle-neck" has been taken care of. We have weathered the
hardest month in the year, financially, and we face 1942 just "set"
for the work to take a great LEAP ahead. I am very thankful. God
has blessed us! He is providing every need, opening the way for
His work.
So at the moment the work stands like this: We are
prepared now for the greatest leap forward the work has ever taken.
The time has come---GOD'S time---when it MUST leap forward in
mighty power. We are READY. We have about a third of the needed
fund for the Los Angeles broadcast on hand. BUT---here is the
other side of the picture: we face such increases in expenses that,
except by faith, I would say the work could not carry on. One of
our larger radio stations has almost DOUBLED the cost of the weekly
Sunday broadcast. We were forced to take extra office space, and
office rent has more than doubled. God has blessed us with the two
girls we needed in the office---both working for almost no salary
at present, but "the servant is worthy of his hire," and they are
both putting their whole hearts into the work and their work is
improving as rapidly, I MUST increase their salaries gradually
until they are receiving what they truly earn.
So, we face a wonderful opportunity---we are READY for a
great work---yet the work is in immediate DANGER, now! We MUST
have a larger week-to-week income. We MUST have another $250 to
complete the office equipment absolutely necessary. We must have
an additional $500 for the Los Angeles fund. God is ABLE---thru
you Co-workers---if you give as He makes possible. It will take
SACRIFICE. Remember GOD'S work must come FIRST. Double what you
have been sending if you can. I ask those who can to send amounts
of $50, $100, or $500. Send whatever amount you can, as OFTEN as
you can. Stand by me. God bless you!