Analyses Today's News, with the
Box 111, Pasadena, California
The P L A I N T R U T H
April 25, 1952
Dear Co-Worker in Christ:
Things are moving so fast I seem to get behind in sending
you acknowledgment, with sincere thanks, for your faithfulness in
paying God's tithe, and/or sending in liberal offerings. I am kept
very busy, as I'm sure you realize---but I do thank you, and
appreciate from the heart your faithfulness and sacrifice. This
latest amount received from you was especially important, as
receipts for the conduct of the work have legged again recently.
I have written you about our trip to Gladewater, Texas, for
the Passover and first holyday of the Eternal, and of the
development toward the purchase of one of God's beauty-spots of
nature in a 40 or 50-acre secluded wooded area a quarter mile off
four-lane highway #80, a few miles west of Gladewater.
This general letter was just mailed out a few days ago. There
has been time for only a few replies, but already the enthusiastic
responses are beginning to pour in, and a few are sending in
contributions, aside from their tithes and offerings for the work,
toward the purchase price of this land. Meanwhile, I'm glad to
report that the Hammers at Gladewater have been successful in
making the purchase for us of the two narrow strips of land
adjoining the plot Buck Hammer is donating, and a $500 deposit has
been put into escrow on each place. They obtained a 90-day escrow
for us. This give us 90 days, a few of which already are passed,
in which to raise the funds to complete this purchase. But the two
deals are made, and legally in escrow, and certain for us unless we
should fail to raise the money---which, of course, we MUST not, and
I feel confident we shall not.
Meanwhile plans are proceeding for the trip to Europe this
summer by two of our graduates. They both have the written
approval of their draft boards, and passports for the trip. Their
passage to Southampton, England, and return flight from Rome, have
been purchased, so there is no uncertainty as to obtaining
reservations. Other plans are developing daily.
Many other plans for the future development of this greatest
work of our time are now formulating, some of which I will outline
to you in the next general letter I hope to send out in about two
weeks. Soon the gospel will be going out in overwhelming power to
Europe, and all the world. Soon we shall start raising up local
churches with Ambassador College graduates as pastors. Soon we
shall start organizing our own private elementary and high schools
in different centers in the middle west and all parts of the United