We MUST add now the long hoped-for Course in DOMESTIC
SCIENCE. (I prefer that name, rather than Home EconomicsÄÄÄwe want
to teach the real science of being a wife and making a home).
Look at the condition in the world today. Most girls
today receive no training at all to really fit them to be competent
wives and mothersÄÄÄto be their husband's HELPERS, to know how to
inspire, encourage their husbands, lift their morale to the heights
of supreme accomplishments;ÄÄÄfew know how to really make a HOME,
how to keep a house, how to plan menus according to dietary laws of
health, how to cook NATURAL foods in delicious, appetizing, eye-
tempting manner, how to properly decorate and plan and keep the
home. They know nothing of child bearing, and the care of babies,
and the rearing of children and the teaching of children. They
seem to feel these things will somehow "just come natural." Well,
they don't. Today girls want to work in offices, stores, and such
placesÄÄÄnot in the homes.
wives, competent mothers.
That's going to add to the expense of the college. But
Co-Workers, in sheer FAITH, I propose now to plunge on into this,
for I know it's the will of God. I am taking steps to try to find
the most competent woman in the United States for this position, to
head this department. I think possibly one or two of our own girls
will work into this faculty after another two or more years, but
none is ready yet.
FINALLYÄÄÄand MOST IMPORTANT! It is a struggle, daily,
to meet our daily quota of money to pay the expenses of this great
and mighty work. We have effected such economiesÄÄÄwe have learned
how to make a dollar go SO FAR, that every single dollar put into
this work is carrying the same Gospel Jesus preached, for the first
time in 1800 years, to MORE than TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS!
Where in all the world does a dollar go so FAR! Where does it do
so much GOOD?
Post-cards are now 2›. Figure what it would cost you to
write just a few words on post-cards to 2,000 different people! It
would cost you $40, beside all the time and effort---about 50
words. But for each single dollar you place in this work, more
than TWO THOUSAND people listen a solid HALF HOUR to Jesus' Gospel!
Put it another way. For $1 you can buy 50 post-cards,
and send maybe 50 words to 50 people. The same dollar in this work
reaches FORTY TIMES as many people, a whole HALF HOUR! And, in
addition, several of those 2,000 receive and read The GOOD NEWS and
The PLAIN TRUTH, other booklets and literature, the college is
operated and maintained, and hundreds a year are visited in person,
counselled with, and baptized! But it's hard to keep ENOUGH of
those dollars coming in, day by day, week by week.
Listen! Couldn't YOU send in your tithes and offerings
a little more often? Couldn't you now manage your affairs so you